Hammy, most important muscle in the lower body for the knee strength. Its the muscle band that holds the knee together when player takes a bad hit...weak Hammy= injured list
Hammy, most important muscle in the lower body for the knee strength. Its the muscle band that holds the knee together when player takes a bad hit...weak Hammy= injured list
Hammy, most important muscle in the lower body for the knee strength. Its the muscle band that holds the knee together when player takes a bad hit...weak Hammy= injured list
I have to be very careful when reading this forum while on the phone at work. You just made me laugh uncontrollably in the phone while talking to a representative from Allstate. That may be the funniest thing I have ever seen on here.
They call those bulgarian split squats and I can also attest that doing them with a loaded bar is ridiculously impressive. Requires tons of strength and balance.
To the poster that said something about AJ benching from the floor. It's called a floor press and helps strengthen the middle of the press, particularly useful if that's a sticking point for someone in the traditional bench press.
So far I must say I'm impressed with the off season program. The fact that the team went from 0 players who could squat over 600lbs to having 9 that can now is no small task. Unless those 9 guys were squatting 590 before, that is.