Worst Case Scenario



Rational Thought Allowed?
Mar 9, 2006
Won't President Obama be constrained by the huge budget deficits he will face? Not entirely. Many items on his wish list don't require the direct expenditure of government money. A more-than-willing Congress will enable him to redeem his pledge to the trade unions to push through legislation to eliminate the secret ballot in union-recognition elections. The Environmental Protection Agency probably does not need new legislation to change the rules on carbon emissions so that Obama can achieve his goal of making new coal-fired generation plants totally uneconomic. The Federal Communications Commission can impose so-called "fairness" rules that make it more difficult for the largely conservative talk radio stations to challenge his government's policies. The Food and Drug Administration can make it difficult if not impossible for pharmaceutical companies to gain permission to market new drugs that the industry's critics contend are "merely" improvements on existing drugs, or are not sufficiently efficacious in the eyes of regulators. In short, Obama can obtain large portions of his agenda without asking Congress for new funding.

The Worst Case Scenario
Buckle up, America.
That recovery will come sometime before Barack Obama begins his campaign for reelection. Will it be as vigorous as it might have been in the absence of more intrusive government? Perhaps not. But even an anemic recovery, especially when judged against the current recession, will allow voters to answer in the affirmative the question Ronald Reagan famously put to Jimmy Carter in 1980--"Are you better off than you were four years ago?" As Obama's likely opponent, Sarah Palin, might put it in a moment of candor, "You betcha." Voters will be comparing the economy Obama inherited with the one over which he is presiding, not with the might-have-been condition resulting from a McCain presidency. On to 2016, which might be a different story.

This scares me the most out of that whole article

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