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New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson (from 2001, 5 pages)
Gary Johnson for president.
Some of Governor Johnson's accomplishments include:
Reducing taxes $123 million annually.
Cutting the rate of government growth in half.
Eliminating the state's budget deficit.
Leaving the state government with 1200 fewer employees (without firing anyone).
Leaving the state government with all-time high bond ratings.
Enacting major welfare reform, which cut government welfare spending by 30%.
Shifting state Medicaid to managed care.
Bringing the New Mexico state government and the Navajo nation leadership together to finally resolve century-old disputes over water, gaming, and other issues.
Privatizing half of the prisons in the state.
Shooting down campaign finance legislation.
Increasing the percentage of the budget devoted to improving the state's education system.
Repealing the Little Davis-Bacon Act, thereby allowing non-unionized labor the ability to be employed in construction of new schools and other public works.
Overseeing the construction of 500 miles of new, four-lane highway (designed, financed, built, and guaranteed by the private sector).
1. Become reality driven. Dont kid yourself or others. Find out whats what and base your decisions and actions on that.
2. Always be honest and tell the truth. Its extremely difficult to do any damage to anybody when you are willing to tell the truthregardless of the consequences.
3. Always do whats right and fair. Remember, the more you actually accomplish, the louder your critics become. Youve got to learn to ignore your critics. Youve got to continue to do what you think is right. Youve got to maintain your integrity.
4. Determine your goal, develop a plan to reach that goal, and then act. Dont procrastinate.
5. Make sure everybody who ought to know what youre doing knows what youre doing. Communicate.
6. Dont hesitate to deliver bad news. There is always time to salvage things. There is always time to fix things. Anything that can be revealed eventually should be revealed immediately.
7. Last, be willing to do whatever it takes to get your job done. If youve got a job that you dont love enough to do what it takes to get your job done, then quit and get one that you do love, and then make a difference.
Johnson on the issues:
Limited Government
Gary is a staunch advocate of limited government and fiscal restraint. He believes that every law passed is a little bite out of freedom, and that removing government regulation unleashes the forces of the free market that raise our living standards. As Governor of New Mexico, he cut the rate of government growth in half, balanced the budget deficit, left the state government with 1200 fewer employees, and vetoed 750 bills (more than all the other 49 Governors in the country at that time, combined). (all passed by a dem dominated legislature.)
Lower Taxes
Gary supports much lower taxes, and fought relentlessly against a Democratic state legislature for all kinds of tax breaks, including significant income tax reductions. As Governor, he was able to achieve a reduction in taxes of $123 million annually, and gave New Mexico the longest period in its history without a tax hike (eight years).
National Defense
Gary believes in returning to the responsible, Constitutional foreign policy advocated by our countrys Founders. He endorses a strong and capable military that is not stretched thin over 700 bases around the world in 150 different countries. He opposed the Iraq War from the start, and believes that American men and women should only be sent into harms way when our national security is truly threatened and military action is truly justified.
Sound Banks, Sound Money
Gary supports Congressman Ron Pauls efforts to open up transparency and accountability of the nations central monetary planner, the Federal Reserve. Gary believes that the free market can do a better job at setting interest rates and ensuring a stable financial system than can a handful of unelected bureaucrats. He recognizes the importance of having a strong Dollar that is not debased by reckless monetary inflation.
Quality Education
Gary believes that quality education is the key to our childrens future, and understands the need for a sleeker and more effective education system. As Governor of New Mexico, Gary reduced government expenditures, but increased the percentage of the budget devoted to providing better education. Gary fought hard, year after year, to bring a state-wide school voucher system to New Mexico, but while continually thwarted by his states Democratic legislature, he did manage to attract many new parochial and private schools into the state. Gary understands that the forces of free competition are needed to help drive down education costs.
More Effective Drug Policy
Gary has been a leader of the movement toward a new, more effective drug policy that is more in line with conservative principles of fiscal discipline, limited government, and personal responsibility. Gary advocates an end to the failed prohibition of the past seventy years, and an honest discussion about the drug issue with Americas youth. While Gary himself abstains from all drugs, including nicotene and alcohol, he recognizes that the billions of dollars wasted on a big-government anti-drug policy have not been responsibly invested.
Protecting the Unborn
While Gary himself is personally pro-choice, he understands the proper role of government, and would return the abortion issue back to the 50 states to decide, as the US Constitution mandates. As Governor of New Mexico, he received the endorsement of the Right To Life Committee for his work in reducing abortions through parental consent, informed consent, banning partial-birth abortion, and ending Medicaid funding for abortions. As Governor, he supported every piece of legislation offered by the Right To Life Committee.
Free Trade
Gary wholeheartedly supports free trade, and understands that people free to make voluntary transactions will do so precisely because they are mutually beneficial. Gary understands that free trade benefits all countries involved and helps expand the division of labor. Gary also recognizes the need for American industry to become more open and competitive as the global economy emerges.
New Energy Sources
Gary believes that states, and not the federal government, must play the pivotal role in electrical power decisions. Gary believes that the government ought to enable new exploration and development of the full spectrum of promising energy resources. He also supports federal tax incentives for companies who want to develop new sources of energy, and believes that free market forces must come into play to reduce energy costs and increase the efficiency with which energy is delivered.
Freedom to Bear Arms
Gary believes in the individual right to bear arms and upholds the US Constitution and its Second Amendment which protect that right. Gary understands the clear crime prevention benefits of gun ownership and the freedom to carry a concealed firearm for self defense.
Any thoughts?