Would R Budd Dwyer had been found innocent had he lived?



Oct 2, 2019
If R Budd Dwyer had lived instead of taking his own life the day before his sentencing would he have been found innocent? For years I have read that he was framed and did not take bribes when he was the State Treasurer. I think he would have been granted a new trial and acquitted personally.
There was a documentary released in 2010 called "Honest Man", which was sympathetic to Dwyer's case. However, it was well established that he accepted a $300,000 kickback as Pennsylvania state treasurer for awarding an overpriced no-bid contract to a firm called Computer Technology Associates. Upon learning that he was under investigation, Dwyer rescinded the contract, but it was too late. I think he was guilty as hell. And let's face it, most innocent people will try a little harder to clear their name before resorting to putting a .357 in their mouth when they know they are on live television... He obviously wanted to traumatize the public on his way out, which should tell you something about the guy's character.
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