wounded mullet and OE's summer movie review


wounded mullet

Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
Lets start with The Hangover

One of the best comedies i have seen in years, better than director Todd Phillips earlier movies Old School and Road Trip. The cast was perfect, thank God Lindsey Lohan turned down the part Heather Graham played.

I give it 4 mullets




OE will have his review of this movie shortly... i guess
It was worth seeing just because of the Mike Tyson cameo.

I give it four Blarts!


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Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen

Wow, this movie greatly disappointed and greatly satisfied all at the same time.

My main concern was that Optimus Prime would be unleashed as one bad MF and that was not disappointing but the rest of the movie failed entirely.

I honestly thought they were on the right track at the beginning scene introducing NEST and such but we never really find out what NEST is. Also, why in the world do the Autobots just sit in a hangar in car mode????????????? Why does Rachet say 8 words? Ironhide apparently took over as the #2 guy but we really don't know. Why didn't the autobots use the Spark to bring Jazz back? Why was an UMPA LOOMPA in this movie? The decepticon chick shape shifter was way to skinny........ Why did the helicopter just drop Prime off?????? Actually I could go on and on but I will stop with the crazy parts.

Great stuff!
The opening scene in Shanghai! Freakin awesome! I don't care what any one says, Prime's codename Big Buddha is freakin awesome! Sideswipe's 20 seconds are beautiful! What about the homage to the 1986 cartoon movie?????????? Prime flying through the air in the abandoned electrical plant or whatever it may be just like he did when the decepticons are attacking Autobot City. Then when he lands and tears up Starscream and Megatron it is similar to the 86 movie.

Ah! The forest battle is stinkin awesome! Again, another homage to the 86 movie when Prime cuts Starscreams hand off, Starcream yells, my hand, in the 86 movie it is his foot but you get the point.

The end was so, so. I enjoyed the Prime ending but then again I didn't. It all seemed drawn out and hokie.

For what it is worth this movie gets two Blarts!

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Public Enemies

Hmmm......... overall I really enjoyed this movie but it may be due to the fact that I was some what let down from Transformers.

Overall the movie sticks with reality over fantasy but in the end you really never know who the characters in the movie are. Although, I think this is not the point of the movie.

The characters in this movie were the literal rock stars of their day but you never truly feel that while watching this movie.

As a time piece drama I give this movie 4 Blarts!


Public Enemies was solid. I think it could have been a lot better though.
Star Trek

Seriously, you are going to get the whole Transformers let down from me, how can the same person that wrote Star Trek be the main screen writer for Transformers?????

Ok, back to the topic at hand. I had some serious questions about this movie. I really got scared when they moved it from Christmas back to late Spring. That usually means a lot of things are wrong and we need to clean it up.

We are introduced to Kirk from birth and we finally get to see Kirk's free spirit played out as a child. Like it or not, Beastie Boys + Corvette + Young Kirk = Freakin Awesome!

What we are not used to is great drama and great tragedy with Star Trek. I mean how can any one not get fired up when Captain Pike issues Kirk the dare of your father was a captain for 12 minutes and saved 900 lives including yours. I dare you to do better!

Seriously, this is better than skinemax!

What have we never had in a Star Trek movie?

You bet, we have never had true tragedy. Sure Spock dies but he comes back and he directs 2 of the films. Sure Kirk's son dies, but he appears in the Next Generation as some drug addict.

Ok, angry Australian with odd makeup destroys a plant with something called Red Matter, honestly, I can live with this. What happens in every other Star Trek movie, we wip around the sun go back in time and save the planet.

Not this movie, talk about a holy crap moment. Not to mention that Spock's mother dies. Huh?

My only complaint about this movie is the Enterprise itself. I mean, that deflector dish sits way to forward of the secondary hull.

I tell people this all the time and they tell me I have OCD. So what when I was a kid I used to go crazy if my army men and vehicles were not proportional??????????

You did that, right?

Beautiful movie, I give it 5 Blarts!



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OE is almost as gay as the Star Trek movie. I give you 5 strap on's.
This is all I will see for the rest of the day.

That stinkin deflector dish sitting so far forward!

Transformers 2 Revenge of Megan Fox's boobs

The skinny

special effects A+
storyline - what?

I know its just a feel good action summer movie based on a cartoon but come on! The storyline is less coherent than a painkiller party at Micheal Jackson's house..

Im waiting for the Gobots movie...

i give it 2 mullets just because Megan Fox wears tight clothes and dosent talk much..


i will review the rest later.. grouper sandwich time..
Public Enemies

Saw it tonight so pretty fresh in my brain,directed by Micheal Mann who also directed Miami Vice and one of my favorite movies of all time Heat.Depp keep you're attention from start to finish.The new technology never gets in the way of the old-world period piece feel,like alot of movies can and have. The characters will come out you rapid fire and keeping up is a choir, which is a good thing. It was a nice change of pace for a summer movie..

got to give it 3 and a half mullets




Star Trek

Not a huge fan of the Trek world, i mean not that i hate it but yeah.
Anyways JJ Abrams directed this reboot, and just based on his earlier work i had to check it out..Most people have seen it, pretty damn good movie, nice balance of advancment of storyline and action.

I have to give it 3 mullets

GI Joe

Ok, went in to the movie knowing that it would be horrible and full of cgi. With no expectations at all the movie was actually fun. Don't get me wrong, completely destroying the characters and all gets on your nerves but after transformers......... sigh.....

The Bad

Seriously, the kid from 3rd rock from the son is Cobra commander?

The Baroness and Duke are boyfriend/girlfriend?

Tiny robots control cobra's soldiers?

Halo suits?

Submarine that can withstand a pulse cannon?

The pit being the size of a small country?

Actually using the line, knowing is half the battle.....

Cover girl killed off that quickly?

Brendon Fraser is supposed to be....................... Flint?????

Ripcord??????????? Yeah, when I think about GI Joe I think about Ripcord.....

The Good

Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow. Their background story were pretty good. **** those little kids that played them had some pretty kick ass moves. The mutual respect wasn't there like it was in the comics and cartoon but it wasn't needed with the background. Only thing I didn't get was Snake Eyes face. Was it a mask or what?

Duke was played well as was Heavy Duty, (AAA is awesome in all his roles.) Scarlet was HOT but they didn't have Ship Wreck with his parrot to have a puppy crush on her.

Destro was great. I liked the background explaining the mask as well as his origins. His love affair with the Baroness was good. The end part with the face was great. One thing I was curious about going into it.

Overall this movies rates out at a hot zima...


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