wow price out at KSU

does KSU think they should still be a power now that the big-12 is good again?
Yes, and that makes them idiots. They act like the success of the Bill Snyder days is coming back. It's not. They capitalized on Texas and OU being mediocre to bad during the early days of the Big XII. It's an 8-4 program at best. That said, there are serious discipline and academic issues underlying his firing.
you'd think they'd go young rather than a proven mediocre coach.
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K-State has neither the money nor the inclination to pay top dollar for another coach. They did so with Huggins and were burnt. They are going to find someone who nobody has ever heard of.
We'll see. I just know that Fran has ties to the state and said he'd like to get back in to coaching "If it was the right place".
Franchione is smart enough to understand that K-State is not "the right place". Competing with Pinkel, Mangino, Pelini, and Stoops for recruits is a nightmare.
Franchione is smart enough to understand that K-State is not "the right place". Competing with Pinkel, Mangino, Pelini, and Stoops for recruits is a nightmare.

Yeah because competing with Mack Brown was so much easier. :crazy:
So long, KState. It was nice to know you. Have fun fighting with Iowa State to stay out of the bottom of the Big XII North for the next decade.
wow groves called it. good hire K state. i'm surprised patterson wouldn't go for a bigger job even though he went there.
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i can't remember a time when an employed coach took another job in the middle of the regular season.

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