**** Cena. Stay away. If Cena returns, we riot.
A Reigns title win would only be good if he pulls a Rock and betrays Ambrose. It won't happen cause everybody and their mother is predicting it now.
Ambrose has no business holding the title.
Also **** the Rock and anybody else not named Lesnar that they are thinking of calling in.
Sucks for Rollins, and Vince won't be able to rely on the Shield triple threat now to sell Mania, which may be a good thing. Will force him to be more creative, but I don't think he has the creativity left in him. On the plus side for Rollins, he will be super over ultra mega face when he returns. It will be on par with the returns of HHH and Cena.
Put the belt on Big E. Plus it will be a good story for a company that likes good PR, as the first black WWE champ.
Won't happen. They will intentionally not clear him cause they do not want him and Reigns in the same tourney.