If Vince would just pay Brock and put him in the tournament. Have Roman narrowly defeat Dean in the semifinals. Then Brock-Roman 2 as the finals.
The Authority watches the match from ringside to see the new champion crowned. Brock clearly has the upper hand but Roman continues to kick out. Then when the ref get stunned or something, HHH gets up and grabs a sledgehammer. It looks like he's gonna hit Roman then turns and takes out Lesnar. Roman pins him when the ref gets back up and shakes HHH hand afterward.
On RAW Dean gets pissed at Roman for siding with the Authority to set up that feud and the sledgehammer hit can be an "injury" to Lesnar that keeps him out until right before Mania.
Yeah I know there is no chance of it. Not only does Lesnar not want the dates but with his drawing ability and the reliance on network subs, he'll never wrestle a match on RAW ever again.
I guess a whole lot of people are related to Reigns if that's what liking him means.
with Rock v. HHH, do you think it's because HHH screws Reigns and it's retribution, or Reigns turns and sides with HHH forcing Rock to be the hero
or the crazy triple turn in which HHH becomes good, Reigns becomes bad, and Rock comes back as a heel lol