X5, X1, or W



Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
X1 row 28

X5 row 3

Or W row 8

Cost not an issue but where would you sit if you had your choice?
I would have to go with W row 8. X1 and X5 are not bad seats either, but W is my favorite of the three.
Box... Sippin wine and eating crumpets, talkin bout stocks and bonds

I wouldn't sit in that box for nothin. If I wanted to watch the game through glass I would stay home and watch it on TV. Those things are way overpriced and extremely over rated.
Can I ask you why if you don't mind? I just have never sat in the W section before

All of them are about equal, they all have a great view of the jumbotron. And all the seats are behind the UT bench, but section W is around 10-20 yard line and gets a better view of the field. The other seats are not bad at all, its all about your preference and I like to get as close to the 50 yl as possible. I also like sitting around rows 10-20 so I can get a better view of all the players. GL with your seats. GBO.
All of them are about equal, they all have a great view of the jumbotron. And all the seats are behind the UT bench, but section W is around 10-20 yard line and gets a better view of the field. The other seats are not bad at all, its all about your preference and I like to get as close to the 50 yl as possible. I also like sitting around rows 10-20 so I can get a better view of all the players. GL with your seats. GBO.

My fear with the section W row 8 is that I ain't be able to see over the players at the other end of the field being that low
I would go with X1. I went to Arky game 2000 and was on 5th row. It was kind of cool being close but would not want season tix there because you can not whole field good. If anyone knows if anyone that has tix available for Western Kentucky on row 1 in northend zone I would love to experience that once in my lifetime and high fiving our vols after TDs.
I sit in w row24 personally I prefer what row as to section so I would say x1 first, w second then x5. X1 enters gate 21 which is a plus. X5 is practically endzone.
The only year I had season tickets i was in X and liked my seats, but i would definitely go row 28 over anything under row 12
Section W is at the goal line, not the 15 or 20. With that, I would go with X1.
have watched many games from X1 and it's a great section to sit in. Depending on the seat #, it's right on the curve so you can see the whole field, can see the jumbotron well and a perfect view of at least 1 goal line.

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