Yeah, Biden’s a real humanitarian, especially for children…

maybe showering with his young daughter or having a drugged-out son should’ve been hints he doesn’t give a damn about kids…

Blockbuster Report: Biden's Open Borders for Child Migrants Horror: Dozens of Kids Killed; Legs Torn Off in Factories, Spines Shattered on Construction Sites, Thousands Lost by HHS
Jesus Christ. I just read the actual article this Gateway Pundit headline is referencing. It literally does not say any kids were killed, legs were torn off, or spines shattered. Gateway Pundit once again showing it has no credibility, just relies on people like OP who read headlines and run with it and preach it like gospel.
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Jesus Christ. I just read the actual article this Gateway Pundit headline is referencing. It literally does not say any kids were killed, legs were torn off, or spines shattered. Gateway Pundit once again showing it has no credibility, just relies on people like OP who read headlines and run with it and preach it like gospel.

Yes, the cartels treat children as if they’re from Beverly Hills or Billionaires Row in NYC. No abuse whatsoever.
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It's a blockbuster report, so you know it's true.
The first indicator that this is purely factual reporting, without a hint of a partisan political agenda, can be seen in the source itself .... The Gateway Pundit is as objective and professional as it gets. Their journalistic integrity is beyond reproach.
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It's a blockbuster report, so you know it's true.
Of course, it is .... The Gateway Pundit would never embellish anything for political purposes. They actually care about the health and well-being of the children at the border. The Gateway Pundit's interest in this story is only motivated by the humanitarian crisis at hand. The Gateway Pundit is purely apolitical.
GP doesn't reference the other article for the deaths and accidents but does use the state and federal safety records from 2017. Which was the last time those were tracked.....they are making an assumption that these things are happening at a larger rate due to the increase in child trafficking in to the US....Poor title...sad that the title of an article upsets so many of you over child explotation...
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Jesus Christ. I just read the actual article this Gateway Pundit headline is referencing. It literally does not say any kids were killed, legs were torn off, or spines shattered. Gateway Pundit once again showing it has no credibility, just relies on people like OP who read headlines and run with it and preach it like gospel.
598B90E8-F127-47A0-B03D-6F381FC5BD3E.pngActually it does say it. This is in case you missed it.
1) Joe is not for open-borders. Despite his failures to secure the border, pretty much everything he does and says refutes that. He is a perfect example demonstrating why our general approach to the border will always fail. And literally nobody has succeeded in securing the border. Not Trump. Nobody.
2) If you claim he's for open borders, you're not interested in the truth, and you probably don't care one lick about migrant children in the first place.
1) Joe is not for open-borders. Despite his failures to secure the border, pretty much everything he does and says refutes that. He is a perfect example demonstrating why our general approach to the border will always fail. And literally nobody has succeeded in securing the border. Not Trump. Nobody.
2) If you claim he's for open borders, you're not interested in the truth, and you probably don't care one lick about migrant children in the first place.[/QUOTE
1) Joe is not for open-borders. Despite his failures to secure the border, pretty much everything he does and says refutes that. He is a perfect example demonstrating why our general approach to the border will always fail. And literally nobody has succeeded in securing the border. Not Trump. Nobody.
2) If you claim he's for open borders, you're not interested in the truth, and you probably don't care one lick about migrant children in the first place.
Please explain to us how Joe has tried to secure the borders?
The Democrats care about Children, the poor, minorities, and the environment just as fervently as Lenin cared out the working proletariat in Russia
Means. To. An. End
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1) Joe is not for open-borders. Despite his failures to secure the border, pretty much everything he does and says refutes that. He is a perfect example demonstrating why our general approach to the border will always fail. And literally nobody has succeeded in securing the border. Not Trump. Nobody.
2) If you claim he's for open borders, you're not interested in the truth, and you probably don't care one lick about migrant children in the first place.

Joe is for open borders. It's the democrat party platform with a few exceptions including that smug, lying turd Mayorkas. I could give a rats arse what you say. I'm interested in what you do.
1) Joe is not for open-borders. Despite his failures to secure the border, pretty much everything he does and says refutes that. He is a perfect example demonstrating why our general approach to the border will always fail. And literally nobody has succeeded in securing the border. Not Trump. Nobody.
2) If you claim he's for open borders, you're not interested in the truth, and you probably don't care one lick about migrant children in the first place.
LOL And I don't give a lick about migrant children. You know why? Because the line never ends. Sally Struthers was begging for them back in the 70s. You can give and give and give and they will still keep coming. We can't save everybody.

And it matters not one iota what Puddinhead says. He has opened the borders, and that is a fact. Trump never had the opportunity to fully execute his plan, but Stay in Mexico certainly stemmed the flow. Once that tap was opened by.... ummmm.... oh BIDEN.... it is game on.

You're smarter than this post. Just tell me it was flame bait and I'll move on.

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