For the record, I'm pretty sure Germany had inflation at roughly sixty five thousand times that rate at one point, and they're all still there.
Well if you leave out WWII they are all still there.
Ask your mom if her grocery bill has gone up.
You will probably think a lot differently whenever you reach the age where you have to fend for yourself.
Things that you say will happen never happen. You're the worst soothsayer this side of Edgar Cayce.
I see where you're coming from.
How do you explain away this 47% inflation in 6 months??
That's no prediction, that is recorded history.
Goldman Sachs has already downgraded that company's stock because they don't believe they can overcome soaring wholesale food costs.
Since social security first began there were only two years which had no cost of living increases, that would be the first two years of the Obama administration.
How can there be no inflation with the printing of money like it was water and spending like there is no tommorrow??
BTW, I answered your two questions in the Malcolm X thread and posed a couple of my own.