You Just Don't Quarrel With The Volunteers Men

Thank you Dr. Plowman! From the article.

Regardless of how the sport looks in the coming years, it will always be Tennessee that's remembered for being the reason that players can legally get paid to play for a program.

And you can bet that the section of college football fans that don't want to see players get paid (those folks believe in the myth of amateurism!), will blame Tennessee for "ruining the sport" for years to come.

Those in favor of players getting what they earn on a weekly basis for an industry that's bringing in money like they're "speedboat racers" in Miami in the mid 1980s will view Tennessee's leadership as heroes. Their fiery response is what expedited this change that's been looming over the sport for years."
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Just forwarded the article to my wimpy friends at wimpy Clemson with their wimpy coach.

Clemson isn't the wimpy school on this issue.
Miami, Florida, and FSU are. They all buckled on NIL. What kind of wimp additives are in the water fien there?

Dabo doesn't like the portal, but Clemson actually has at least two decent NIL collectives.

Tennesseans have a distinguished history of charging into fight the mess that others created.
It's how we got our nickname--"Tennessee Volunteers" isn't just a stupid clown nicky like Crimson Tide, Bulldogs, etc.
I will always remember showing up for basic training in 1980, the very first night, the DI's found out I was from TN (me & several others actually)
"Where you from boy? TN? Well hell, you just volunteered--"
From then on, it was "WEBB, get up here, you just volunteered--" all thru basic, even into Infantry & Airborne schools.
I just started to step up every time they needed anyone to do anything.

Go back in US history, "Volunteers from Tennessee" have always stepped up.
The Alamo & Texas war for Independence.
Keep going, you'll find that TN Volunteers maybe not more than any, but damn sure more than most.

I'm proud of that nickname. We've earned it.

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