Your Senior Year At U.t.



Senior Member
Jan 13, 2005
Football, Basketball, Baseball, Lady Vols, whatever...

What did the Vols do your senior year at U.T. that was really special?

Doggone it, I used a little t in the title of this post!
My senior year at UT, the football team won the 1998 NC. What a great send off into the cruel cold hard world.

I believe my Senior Year saw the Vols lose to Florida in the Gator Bowl....Bill Battle....remember him?
You may recall the ole moving van story....the story was the alumni arranged to have a moving van pull up in Battle's driveway to give him a message that it was time to go!!! Anyone else know that story?
Yeah, I remember that even though I was in high school at the time. That was when Majors was tearing it up in Pittsburg and making everyone in TN jelous for him to come marching back home to his almamater and bring them a NC. Pittsburg and Majors were the media darlings back then.
Yes, I was at the game when Majors "came home"!! The crowd went wild and everyone knew that great times were coming back to the VOLS....ho, ho. It is good to be hopeful though regardless of the outcome.
They had a letdown after a National Championship year. (Note: I was on the 6 year plan).

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