A Winning Combination

For those of you you didn’t catch it, allvol had a great post on the winning combination of coaches Fulmer, Cutcliffe, and Chavis. I thought it was worth mentioning here as we prepare for Florida (or should I say as Florida prepares for us).

9-5-2006 by allvol

This season only marks the 5th season in which the following staff has been in place…. Phil Fulmer as the head coach, David Cutcliffe as the offensive coordinator, and John Chavis as the defensive coordinator. Matter of fact, the game against California was the 50th that included this trio. From 1995-98 plus the game this past saturday, the Vols have accomplished the following:

All Games 45-5 (0.90)
Regular Season 41-4 (0.91)
SEC Regular Season 29-3 (0.91)
SEC Championship Games 2-0 (1.00)
Bowls 2-1 (0.67)
BCS/Alliance/Coalition Bowls 0-1 (0.00)
vs Ranked 13-4 (0.60)
vs Top Ten [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][AP] 6-4 (0.60)

NOTE: John Chavis did not assume the d-coord. position until the 1995 season. David Cutcliffe did not coach in the 1999 Fiesta Bowl.

Contrast that to the games from 1999-2005 (including the ’99 Fiesta Bowl), or as some may call them, “The Randy Sanders Years”:

All Games 62-26 (0.70)
Regular Season 59-20 (0.75)
SEC Regular Season 39-17 (0.70)
SEC Championship Games 0-2 (0.00)
Bowls 3-4 (0.43)
BCS/Alliance/Coalition Bowls 1-1 (0.50)
vs Ranked 16-18 (0.47)
vs Top Ten [AP] 7-13 (0.35)

Or even looking at the games prior to Chavis becoming defensive coordinator (’92-’94), when Cutcliffe was O.C. …

All Games 22-6 (0.79)
Regular Season 20-5 (0.80)
SEC Regular Season 14-4 (0.78)
SEC Championship Games 0-0 (0.00)
Bowls 2-1 (0.67)
BCS/Alliance/Coalition Bowls 0-0 (0.00)
vs Ranked 9-5 (0.64)
vs Top Ten [AP] 2-2 (0.50)

NOTE: Includes the 4 games during the 1992 season when Phil Fulmer was elevated to interim head coach…

Thanks allvol. That’s why we call him “the statistical guru”. You can comment here.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]