Griff Picks Gators

I thought I would post my response to Mike Griffith’s article on the upcoming Tennessee Florida game. After picking Cal in a romp, then thinking we would roll over Air Force big, he is pretty much batting zilcho for the year in his picks. Is it any surprise he is picking the Gators this week? I felt it was my civic duty to point out that he is wrong again.

You can read the article here if you have a subscription to GoVolsXtra . If you aren’t familiar with him, Mike is usually always worth reading just don’t bet money on his Vols football picks this season. Below are my comments that I posted on their website.

Griff, I think you are giving Leak WAAAY too much credit. You keep harping on this “avenge the failings of his big brother” theme. Does that imply that we were somehow responsible for his failure? C.J. should be happy that someone paid for his school and let him stand on the sidelines. Regardless, Chris will be too busy trying to run out of bounds before he gets hit to worry about his big brother.

In addition, we will be showing Chris and his dad Juicy Leak, I mean Curtis, what they missed when Chris “changed colors”. Although I have heard Chris’s favorite color is yellow.

Leak thinks this is his last chance to get a win in Neyland. In reality it will be another big game that Chris couldn’t win. I’ll bet you a cheese sandwich that after Saturday a few more people will admit that C.J. was not the most overrated Leak.

Too many people are still thinking these are the “mighty Gators” from back in the day. Since Spurrier left Florida is nothing more than a mid level program. As much as Tennessee has struggled in the past few years, we have still played in two SEC championship games since the Gators have sniffed Atlanta. Did I mention the Vols have won two out of the last three against the lizards? Bottom line: you are going 0-3 in your picks this season. Before you go picking Marshall next week give me a call and let’s discuss it.

Oh and one more thing, if you get the opportunity to interview Chris after the game be sure to ask him how that Neyland Stadium grass tastes!

Ok, so I probably went overboard but it’s Florida week so I’m entitled.