Gators Win in the Trenches

I had my victory speech all written out today before I left for the game. “I want to thank my parents for giving birth to me. Thanks to the Gators for giving us a tough game. Thank you to Urban Meyer for having only one SEC road win (against Kentucky). We could not have done it without you. It was a total team effort out there.”

Did I forget anyone?

I only missed one minor detail. Florida’s defense was much better than I expected. Actually, the Gators were better in the trenches on both sides of the ball. There will be some good debate on penalties, play calls, and players. There won’t be much discussion on who was the better team.

The rushing yards have to be a huge concern (-11 yards). We absolutely have to find a way to run the ball more effectively. That or just ditch it entirely and throw every play. It’s not like the run was effective enough to really keep Florida off balance anyway.

I’ll close with this point to ponder. We had a few looks at Tim Tebow tonight. He is a very physical player that will allow Urban Meyer to run the offense he likes to run. If Chavis and our defense can’t figure out how to stop an option attack this could be the start of a long Gator winning streak with Tebow at quarterback.

Alright, now that is over. It’s officially Marshall week!