Vols Lack Depth

I remember back in the 90’s when Tennessee had their great run, sometimes a team like a Vanderbilt or Kentucky would play us closely for a couple of quarters. I remember that the analysts would always say that team had a very capable group of starters but just didn’t have the depth to play four quarters with a team like Tennessee. Recently, I feel like that logic applies to us. I believe we have a very good starting group but lack solid depth.

We have very little experienced depth in several different key positions on the field. I think it was obvious on a few occaisons Saturday. I could see the confusion, never more evident than when Dallas Baker scored the winning touchdown. He was open by a good ten yards. It was a crossing pattern that appeared (keyword being appeared) to be a blown coverage by one of our inexperienced backup linebackers. No matter how good players are, inexperience is going to cost you at times.

Fulmer knows that we have got to play more guys in these upcoming games against Marshall and Memphis. “We have to play more people. I know that. This is twice in the fourth quarter that we have had some issues at the end and we are going to have to play more people.”

Inexperience is a concern, but not my biggest concern. In years past, the Vols have used their outstanding recruiting to help with these issues. We’ve had some special players that were able to come in very early in their careers and make solid contributions. 2006 has not turned out to be a very good class in terms of numbers.

In 2006 the Vols recruiting class ranked 23rd according to Rivals. Not quite up to par with past Tennessee recruiting efforts but still respectable. However, that class looks quite different now when you realize that 8 of those guys did not make it in school for one reason or another.

The 2007 class is not looking like it will be a top 10 class at this point. It is still very eary in the process and we have some nice local players that have committed. However, If you look at the rankings, the Vols have eleven 3-star players and one 4-star player. By comparison the Gators have eight 4-star players and one five-star player in their sixteen total committments.

You can argue that these rankings don’t mean much and you might be right. However, they are all we have to go on at this point. At the very least, these rankings tell us that the Vols are not getting those players that are considered to be the top national players by the recruiting services.

I think it’s imperative that the Vols finish this season with 9 or 10 wins and a solid bowl game. That is what it’s going to take to get us back on the map and give us some much needed help with our recruiting efforts.

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