Antonio Bell: Comments from his Coach

Antonio Bell

Since last night’s commitment, I’ve heard a lot of people asking how good of a player this kid really is. Is this a good pickup or is it a great pickup? According to an interview this afternoon on the Sports Animal with John Maranto, Antonio Bell’s high school coach at Mainland High School, it was a great pickup. He gave his insight on Bell and his decision to commit to Tennessee.

According to Maranto, Mainland plays at the highest level in the state of Florida, and we all know the type of talent that typically comes out of that area every year. That makes it all the more amazing that Bell was able to come in and start as a freshman in the ninth grade.

Bell is an all around athlete. Coach Maranto listed him a bit taller than other reports. He said that Antonio is 6’3 1/2″ and weighs in at 185 pounds. He plays football, basketball, and runs track- where he is on the relay team and participates in the long jump. His coach confirms the reports from yesterday that he is a kid who can make the tough possession catches and is also a deep threat. They run the West Coast Offense at Mainland.

Antonio is definitely a top 10 player in the state and Maranto says he probably ranked that highly last year. It’s no surprise that there were a lot of big name schools after Bell including, but not limited to, Georgia, Florida, Clemson and West Virginia.

It really sounds like he has the entire package of not only being great on the football field but also off the field. His coach described him as a “gentleman” that comes to school every day and works hard. His support system is his family and his pastor and they helped him make the decision to come to Tennessee.

I know that after listening to his coach, I’m excited to have a player like Antonio Bell coming to play for the Vols.