Latest on Tyler Smith

By now all of you know about the news of Tyler Smith potentially heading to Tennessee. According to reports, Tyler Smith is supposed to finish up school at Iowa on Monday. He is believed to be in good academic standing and would be able to enroll at Tennessee immediately. There is some speculation that he could be on campus as soon as the first term of summer school.

That’s the first step.

The next step is that Tyler would have to appeal to the NCAA for a hardship in order to be eligible to play in 2007. He will need to be enrolled in school before that can happen. His new school will be responsible for filing the appeal on his behalf. I imagine, once he is enrolled, the appeal would be filed immediately.

Many feel that he will have a very good chance to win that appeal, however, you just never know with the NCAA. They have not been the model of consistency in past years. The bad news is that it would probably be some time near the end of summer before a decision would be reached.