Billy Donovan Remembers his Youth

munster donovan

Seven years averaging $3.5 million per year. Eddie Munster is all grown up and that’s the deal that he could be close to signing at the University of Florida.

Florida and Donovan have both denied they are close to finalizing the deal, but if true, it would make him the highest paid basketball coach in the country.

Do you know how many Woof Woof dolls Billy Munster Eddie Donovan Florida’s coach could buy with $3.5 million per year? I bet the prices of those bad boys are getting ready to skyrocket.

Mike Hamilton, you reading this? I’d say the average salary of top tier SEC coaches just went up. I realize our guy wasn’t a child star, but still. I’m just saying.

Spurrier Sighting: Steve Spurrier has a small bladder. Is that an Under Armour golf shirt? Nice.