2007 Tennessee Vols Football Pre-Season Predictions

tIt’s a mere 31 days until Tennessee kicks of their 2007 college football season against California. The predictions from Vols fans for this season are all over the board.

You have your tried and true Tennessee loyalists who can never find the courage to pick against the Vols. It might be bad luck, right? They are predicting 14-0 and a National Championship. It could happen.

Then you have the legions of the miserables who refuse to predict that the Vols could have a good season no matter what. Maybe some just don’t want to get their hopes up and others just don’t have confidence in the current staff or roster. They believe we will be lucky to win 7 or 8 games, maybe less. It’s entirely possible.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. That said, now is the time to go on record and give us your predictions for the season now, at the beginning of August. Show everyone else how much you know (or how little) and lay the foundation so that you can look back after the season and say, “I told you so”. Otherwise, nobody is going to believe you when you claim, at the end of the season, to have known it all along.

Trust me, I’ll be saving this post and digging it out in January.

11 responses to “2007 Tennessee Vols Football Pre-Season Predictions”

  1. Lets be honest I’ve been a fan forever But Fulmer’s best coaching days are behind him, 8-4!

  2. I think 8-4. I’d feel a lot better if they had a couple good receivers returning.

  3. I must be one of the loyalist who beleives every season my tennesse volunteers will go a perfect championship season, but i am no fool but i beleive we have the coaching and the talent to go a good 9 or 10 wins with a possibility of a sec championship if we can get by florida and lsu in the season and auburn in the big game. That is not to far fetched i just hope our young receivers can show up and aignes can stay healthy but our defense is looking strong.

  4. As a life long fan I have lived through the disappointments and the glory. I was there when a 50 yard field goal beat UF not long after a shanked extra point sent fans running for the exits. Each year we, the loyal fans, dream that this year will be the next big thing. Trying to predict college football is like predicting excatly were lighting will strick. Too many things can happen that can adversly affect a team, injuries, bad off field decisions, etc. Fulmer stepped up and made a big change after the 5-6 season, more discipline the big one. I have seen a greater sence of team work this off season, Angie and veteran working with freshmen recivers to teach them what they will need to know, strength improvement from players who stayed at school and worked hard to fix a big weakness from last year. So I believe the talent is there, even if young, and forsaking injuries and the bad decisons by players UT will go 11-1 unless we can go to the swap and beat UF and go 12-0 going into the SEC Championship game. UT wins that one on a late drive in the 4th quarter.

  5. The season is success to me if we beat Florida,Bama,Vandy,all possible this year!

  6. I predict a loss to Georgia, and a shocker in Kentucky. If that’s still good enough to get to the SEC championship, we’ll lose to LSU. But we’ll win the bowl game this year (Capital One).


  7. As long as we beat FL, LSU and Auburn. Love ’em anyway, win or lose. Go VOLS

  8. Looking at the schedule, UT will be good it’s hard to see us making it to Atlanta this year. Ainge is good but unless a WR steps up he will look mediocre at best against tough SEC defenses. The defense will be stout and should carry the team to 9 wins this year. Coach Fulmer has a great reputation but lately it seems his only care is getting his Krispy Kremes every morning.

  9. UT will be a great team, one loss this season. We won’t get out the Swamp alive, but there’s no shame in that. Ainge never plays well against the gators. I’m a Volfan for life and I love Neyland, but I was at the Swamp last year and it is clearly a louder home stadium than Neyland is. Smaller yes, but still louder. They suck anyways GO VOLS!

  10. I love my Vols but looking at how we couldn’t win the big games last year (FLA, LSU, Penn State)….I don’t see us winning them this year with less talent. Our magnificent receiving core is gone and our running backs weren’t exactly steller (avg. only 108 yds/game….almost last in the SEC). We also lost some key players on defense. I think we will put up a good fight but……we loose against CAL,FLA,ARK (couldn’t stop Mcfadden last year and definitely won’t this year)and possibly UGA and South Carolina. I think we have a good chance of beating UGA and SC but UGA has had our number and Spurrier isn’t exactly afraid of us. Kentucky could also be a trap game. I love my vols but loosing all of those receivers and some key men on defense doesn’t look like an SEC TITLE team. I say we go 8-4 possibley 7-5. Next year will be about the same because Ainge will be gone. We need to keep recruiting and in a few years we might be back on top. GO VOLS!