Some dream games becoming reality

Being in the SEC can sometimes make you think twice about who you schedule your out of conference games against. This year, like most, Tennessee will be playing 6 SEC teams that played in bowl games last season. Considering the strength of the league, the temptation to schedule 3 easy wins, and avoid marquee match ups is always there. Despite that temptation, UT has chosen to take on some of college football’s biggest names.

In 2002 and 2003 the Vols had a home and home series with Miami. Notre Dame followed for 2004 and 2005 seasons. 2006 saw California come to Knoxville with Tennessee returning the favor this season. UT will play UCLA in 2008 and 2009, Oregon in 2010 and 2013, and North Carolina in 2011 and 2012. NC State is another team the vols will play in 2012. However the biggest match ups come in the 2014 and 2015 season UT plays Oklahoma, and in 2016 and 2017 when the Vols play Nebraska.

Each of these series offers its own bit of intrigue. UCLA, has really improved under head coach Karl Dorrell, and will only get better. Oregon assures us that we will play against the most modern uniforms known to man kind. UNC, like UCLA, is a team that will only get better, and could be on top of their conference by 2011 and 2012. Both the Oklahoma and Nebraska series will fulfill college football fans dream match up fantasies so that they will no longer have to wonder how they would have done against the best of the BIG 12. These series will continue on the Tennessee tradition of playing one of the toughest schedules in the nation. All of these games will be great, but what home and series would you love to see. Here is my top 3:

3) Tennessee vs. Virginia Tech– This series would be ideal for fans. The trip from Knoxville to Blacksburg would be around 3 and half hours.

2) Tennessee vs. Texas– This is what home and home series is all about. A battle of the UT of the west vs. the UT of the east.

1) Tennessee vs. Michigan– Neyland Stadium vs. The Big House, Manning vs. Woodson, Fulmer vs. Carr, what more could you want? This one would give us two great programs with arguably the best atmospheres in all of college football. It would match the two biggest fan bases from the two conferences that lead in attendance. This game would also offer subplots galore for the media.

Guy Tiller

4 responses to “Some dream games becoming reality”

  1. The Nebraska games have not gone so well in the past…I’d like to forget some of those games. The Tennessee vs. Texas would be the most interesting match up for me, two programs that dominate their states and have a huge fan base. The games against UCLA, Oregon, and Cal are all of the same thread-they do not help you if you win, but they will kill you if you lose. I’m looking forward to UT scheduling some games against opponents that are well known and could give us a boost with a win such as a Michigan, Nebraska, or Oklahoma.

  2. What would be interesting in the SEC would be to have only 7 SEC games and spread the games between both east and western divisions. In other words TEnnessees schedule might look like this Auburn, Alabama, Kentucky, LSU, Florida, Mississippi and Georgia. Seven SEC games.Period. Two top teams go to the playoffs and the BCS. OK then you could fill in the remaining five slots with top quality teams around the nation. For instance, UT might fill in the schedule above with teams like Nebraska, Pittsburg, Texas, Clemson, Notre Dame, etc….Maybe one minor team like UAB or Memphis. But to schedule like this would do two positive things. 1) It would break up the boredom of having to play the same SEC teams each year in the eastern and western divisions. 2)It would open the schedule up to a much more competitive and interesting 12 game schedule. These David and GOliath matchups -Lousiana-Monroe, ARkansas STate, etc.–do very little to enhance the Tennessee program. Lets put the program in overdrive and go big time!