Volunteers look for improvement over bye week

The University of Tennessee’s football team has certainly had a rough month of September. The schedule did not do Phil Fulmer’s young team any favors by having to face two of the Top 6 teams in America on the road. To many fans, it is not the fact that the team lost, because Cal and Florida are legitimate contenders, but how the losses occurred. Good special teams, ball security, and quality tackling are things that are paramount when you may not be as experienced or as talented as your foes. And this team has been putrid at all three through 4 games.

The glimmer of hope for the Vol faithful is that things like these can be addressed during a bye week. Here are some suggested remedies for what is ailing the Vols right now:

I certainly think that a few days of focused special teams, where the coaches get more team speed on the field in kick coverage and guys concentrate on staying in their lanes would benefit the team.

I also think that the offense would benefit from going back to the ball security basics, such as handing off, securing the three points while carrying the ball, practicing with the wet ball, and running through the gauntlet.

Finally, I think a physical Oklahoma drill with LB’s and DB’s could positively affect these tackling issues. I know these guys have been taught to run to, wrap up, then run through, but they sure seem to struggle with it on Saturday.

Another benefit of the bye is that this gives John Chavis and David Cutcliffe an opportunity to get some of the more talented young guys on the roster up to speed. I certainly liked what I saw out of Brent Vinson and DeAngelo Willingham at corner last week and I look for them to improve with more experience. I do feel that this weakness in the defensive secondary will become a strength next year with improvement from these guys. Also, I am very excited about the potential that Ben Martin possesses at Defensive End. Another week of practice will help him immensely. Lastly, I certainly think it is past time to get Kenny O’Neal and Denarius Moore involved in the passing game. This team needs to generate big plays, because sustaining long drives is more difficult against quality teams like Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Arkansas, and Kentucky. These guys have the ability to stretch the defense and make plays. This will make the running game more effective by forcing teams to keep their force run defender out of the box.

All in all, it has been a tough month for the Volunteers, but I do see some improvement in spots and areas that can be fixed. You cannot fix youth, only time does that, but you certainly fix fundamental flaws. Let’s hope the Vols take advantage of this off-week and get better.

1 response to “Volunteers look for improvement over bye week”

  1. i know arain foster in a jr and giving coker the bulk of the carries would hurt fosters chances of getting drafted but coker is better, if foster comes back next year and he probably will because he’s not good enough to enter the draft as a jr and coker is on the sidelines again i’m going to pull my hair out, sorry foster but i would love to see coker and creer spliting carries, and please leave barry at ss, with him and hefney guarding the goal line we should keep a lot of points off the board