UGA Touchdown Mayhem and the 3-4

Florida fans thought it was a classless bush league stunt. Georgia fans were elated to finally see some emotion and intensity from their coach whom many labeled as being to nice. Fans of other teams around the conference, who hate them both, fall somewhere in between. Every team has a part of their fan base that wishes their coach would do something like that, but it also has some people who believe such antics should bring fines and suspensions. Personally, I thought it was a brilliant ploy by a coach looking to change his team’s self image and confidence.

Mark Richt understands Florida’s demeanor. If they sense the slightest bit of doubt or fear in a team they will control them and the game from start to finish. However, if you come out, play with an attitude, and show them you aren’t intimidated they struggle to adjust. Richt saw this during his days as FSU’s offensive coordinator when the Noles were the thorn in Spurrier’s side. Meyer’s teams play with that same attacking attitude. Richt knew his team had to come out and make a statement. He sent a message to his team and Florida letting them know they were going to come right at them, and hammer the football. He set the tempo and Florida never fully recovered. If Florida is forced into a grind it out style of game they struggle to adjust.(ex. Aub,UGA,UT-2001).

On the defensive side of the ball Georgia went with only 3 down linemen most of the game. This scheme was similar to the one Auburn has successfully employed against Florida, and is what the Vols need to consider going to for the rest of the year. Tennessee is getting no pressure on the quarterback from the D-line forcing an ailing young secondary to stay in coverage to long. Not only that but teams are running the ball down our throat at will. Going to a make shift 3-4 or even 3-3-5 defense might be our best bet because linebacker is our strength (If we have one). I would rely on them to shoot into the run gaps and apply pressure on the QB. This system would depend on the LB’s to make tackles in the run game at first contact, and fill the run gaps fast enough to not allow cutbacks. We can not continue to give up 500 yards of offense and expect to win the east. A change can sometimes do you good. Mark Richt showed that this weekend. Go Big Orange!

Guy Tiller