Heartache with Hope for Vol Fans

Like so many Vol fans Saturday’s loss left my heart broken much like having your dog die or losing your first love. You sit back when its over, relive the entire thing, and think about all the things you could have done differently. But while you are trying to recover from the heartache of another SEC championship game loss try to remember the way you felt just over a month ago following the debacle that was the Alabama game. Would you have given this team a chance to win out, and then go toe to toe with an athletically superior LSU team? I for one saw no way this team could accomplish that feat given the youth and injuries this team has endured. I am proud of this team, the Volnation, and all the UT fans who seemed to swallow up the LSU fans inside the Georgia Dome.

The future looks bright in Big Orange Country. Has there been a drop off in talent the last few years? Yes. Is that streak about to stop? Without question. Next years team should have no significant drop off in talent at any position. We have capable QBs to replace Eric Ainge, lose no one on the O-line(which should be our best in years), at RB, or at WR. The secondary returns intact minus Jonathon Hefney, and should be much improved once everyone is healthy. Tennessee returns both Rico Mccoy and Jerrod Mayo( barring a jump to the NFL) at LB. The only position we lose starters is at DE, but Ben Martin and Chris Walker are rising youngsters who will fill that void along with rising senior Robert Ayers.

So as much as the loss to LSU hurts take heart in the fact that this team has some special players back next year and for a few to come. Gerald Jones looks to have special skills and will only become more involved in the offense next season. Eric Berry’s talent and knack for making big plays is unreal. There might not be a more talented freshman in the country at any position. This freshmen class kind of got thrown into the fire, but gained some valuable experience. I can not remember a season when we have gotten this much of a contribution from so many freshman. Much like us fans,they will remember the loss to LSU, and all the pain that came with it. The past few years I have questioned if we had the players capable of winning the SEC, but I can honestly say I believe this team has the players it needs to win a title or two for the next few seasons. Keep the faith. Go Big Orange!

Guy Tiller