Dougherty's random Thoughts 12/19

The winds of change, they are a blowin’ at Tennessee. And, it’s not the change that many fans were hoping for following a blowout loss at Alabama that left Tennessee with four wins in seven games and in a player’s only meeting. No matter where you come down on the future direction of the program, these coaches and players deserve respect for coming together and finishing the season strong and for ending up in Atlanta. Granted, this team saw three make-able field goals from opposing kicker’s fail to pass through the uprights giving them the opportunity to play for an SEC Title. If South Carolina, Vanderbilt and Kentucky all hit game winning field goals Tennessee finishes 6-6. It’s a fine line. But, it’s a fine line the head coach walked along confidently.

So now Phillip Fulmer will be in a position to drastically change his program and has a chance to be there to see it through. This is a great opportunity for CPF to reinvigorate his program while displaying a serious change of ideas. There is something to be said for loyalty and there is something to be gained by freshening ideology. The game changes and moves as most things do and you have to move with that change or you become archaic.

The single wing came and left. The wishbone did the same. The spread option will also. So, it is important to adapt and remain consistent. Pearl Jam front man Eddie Vedder sang, “I’ve changed by not changing at all.” Well said and true. However, you do have to adapt to the parameters that define what you do or you will get left behind.

Coach Troop:

As most Vol fans know Trooper Taylor has been offered an offensive coordinator position with Baylor, giving him an ultimatum opportunity with Tennessee. Some would argue that the loss of Trooper on the recruiting trail would be difficult for this program to overcome. But, do you give him the keys to the offense in an effort not to lose a very good position coach who will one day be ready to run an offense but probably needs a little more experience? I have talked with Coach Troop many times. I like the guy. But, this program won a lot of games without Trooper Taylor.

I think he has a very important influence with the players and I think he is an exceptional position coach. Look at the production he got from a wide receiving corps that likely will not put any players in the NFL; any of the top three anyway. Lucas Taylor, Josh Briscoe and Austin Rogers are all fine college players but none will be playing on Sundays without a serious fight. Even so, no Tennessee quarterback has completed more passes in a season than Erik Ainge. Trooper went above and beyond to do his job. The reality of the situation is that Trooper will be an offensive coordinator soon. The question, is he ready for that job at Tennessee? Only the head coach knows the answer to that. My guess is that Trooper will get passed over and will move on to Baylor.

David Cutcliffe will likely take Matt Luke and Kurt Roper with him to Duke. Secondary coach Larry Slade may not be around following the bowl game. I have also heard the possibility that David Cutcliffe may want to talk with Dan Brooks about becoming the Duke defensive coordinator. Brooks is a great coach who also does a great job of recruiting the Carolina region. That is a total of 6 possible replacements for 7 positions. Don’t look for much to happen until after the college football coache’s convention after the bowl games.

Lock of the Bowl Season:

Kentucky coach Rich Brooks was on our show last week and was impressive as always. This guy does not search for coach-speak vocabulary when asked a point blank question. He instead, utilizes the truth along with a little humility when talking about himself and his team. Brooks took over a program strapped by probation and had 68 scholarship players in year one. This year was the first at 85 full scholarships and Coach Brooks will lose only 11 scholarship seniors though he will lose much production.

Brooks has Kentucky in its second consecutive bowl game and will shoot for a third consecutive next year. If that happens, that would be a first for UK since 1949, ‘50 and ‘51. The coach then was Paul Bear Bryant. I thought this game was a favorable match up for this Kentucky offense before Florida St. suspended almost two dozen players. Kentucky will win the Gaylord Hotels Music City Bowl big!

Rich Brooks is refreshing, and take heed to the fact that coaches do pay attention to what is said on talk shows and written in newspapers and on message boards. Brooks told me “You know, I’m not one of those coaches that’s gonna tell you that I don’t read the paper and that I don’t listen to call in shows and stuff when I’m in the car and driving somewhere because I do. I think it’s always good to know where the land mines are and what the pulse is out there about what you’re doing in your program.” How’s that for honesty!

Thanks for reading. E-mail me directly at

Brent Dougherty

News Radio 1510 WLAC – Nashville