Guitar Shots To The Head: Happy Volidays

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I know that I did. Before Christmas break, one of my personal favorite posters on the Volnation commented on what a special board we have, and in the spirit of the holidays, if you would indulge me, I would like to take a little time to agree with Orange+White=Heaven. I would also like to thank Volfreak and the moderators for the superior product that they consistently provide day in and day out.

For me this board is not all about the technology, the logo, or the numbers (although all of those things are good). For me, the Volnation is about the people behind the numbers. As most of you know, in August my wife and I had twin boys. They were about six weeks early and spent nearly four weeks in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. To those who have similar experiences it is known as the NICU (nick-you). I had never been through anything like that before, but come to find out many of you on the Volnation had.

Within twenty-four hours of posting the information about my kids I had at least 10 messages wishing me well. Included in those emails and personal messages were encouraging reminders that people were thinking and praying for my family. There was even one member of the board who gave me his phone number. He will never know how grateful I was for that phone call on that particular day, but it was just what I needed.

To all of the Nationals I would like to say thank you. Thank you for your prayers, and your support. You will be pleased to know that the two boys are doing quite nicely. They are about a month behind developmentally, but otherwise they are no worse for the wear. This has been a good Christmas for the Lexvol family.

As we pass around the holiday cheer the pastor in me is coming out a little bit. I know that there are several members on the board who were grieving this Christmas. To you, know that we are thinking and praying for your families as well. The first Christmas without a loved can be very difficult. I only hope that the board provided you with the same support that I felt in my hour of need.

To some of you this may sound as hokey as a post game interview with Phil Fulmer. To you I can only say that I will work like heck to get better. I never thought I would be a part of an internet community like this. I am grateful for the opportunity to be here. I know sometimes it is hard to work your way through my drivel. Perhaps that is the greatest indulgence of all. For today, I will lay the guitar down. Thanks again. I hope the New Year finds you all healthy and happy. Thank you Freak and company for providing such a delightful diversion from our real lives. Until next time Go Vols!