Guitar Shots to the Head: Happy New Year

Long before the days of picture in picture and hundred foot home movie screens New Years Day was always a hassle. If you were like my grandfather, and you didn’t want to miss a snap, it required a good deal of work. I remember collecting all of the TV’s in the house, including the thirteen inch black and white Philco and setting them up in the living room. Assembling the sets was just half of the battle. Adjusting all of the antennae to get the perfect signal always proved to be the real challenge.

Back in those days New Years Day was always something to get excited about. Wall to wall football accompanied the black eyed peas and the collard greens. The viewer was treated to four bowl games that actually meant something. January 2 was like Christmas morning simply because you couldn’t wait to get the paper and find out who the AP had crowned the champion. Now, thanks to the BCS, there is really no anticipation this morning. As good as some of the football was yesterday only one significant college football game remains.

This might sound like the beginning of an appeal for a playoff system. Sorry to disappoint, because it is not. For all of the faults of the BCS, it is an improvement over the old system. I simply want to point out how much college football has changed. Gone are the days that the wishbone dominated the college football landscape. I didn’t realize it while it was happening, but Jimmy Johnson changed all of that with a little help from Howard Schnellenberger. By moving safeties to linebackers, turning defensive ends into defensive tackles, and turning linebackers into defensive ends the Miami Hurricanes showed the rest of the world how to beat the wishbone. Everything changes.

Just after Christmas I was watching a Phil Fulmer press conference and noticed that the poor seasons are taking a toll on his physical appearance as well. He looks tired, he is balding more by the season, and he is beginning to show his age. The changes in the college football game are catching up with him. While observing his body language and looking at the dark circles under his eyes I began to have a daydream about Phil changing a little bit too.

What if Phil were to give up the Rogaine, shave his head, drop about 40 pounds (not a knock on his weight because I could always stand to lose a few myself) and show up on the sidelines next year with a pair of Bobby Bowden’s sunglasses. By the way Bobby, you should really put them back on. You are showing your age too. No, it probably wouldn’t make any difference about who he chooses as the next offensive coordinator, but it would be pretty cool nonetheless.

Why do I mention such a trivial matter? Well…whether you like it or not in 2008 the only person who can help the Volunteers keep up with the changes is Phil Fulmer. For someone that hasn’t really changed in 16 years as a head coach, that a reason for concern among the Vol faithful.

While I congratulate the Vols on their bowl victory, I do so with some trepidation. A ten win season is nice, but as we usher in the New Year I still find myself coveting the speed that teams like USC and Oklahoma put on the field. The Vols played a decent first half yesterday, but once again were perplexed by the defensive adjustments that the Badgers made in the second half.

Before half time Phil mentioned that the Vols should have scored 35 points in the first half. We have heard more than a few “should haves” in the last few years. It concerns me that the Vols have been out coached in nearly every second half that they have played this year. Yesterday, as they walked off the field, I had little doubt that Wisconsin would come out in the second half and do the same. For this reason alone, I fear that change is contrary to the offensive lineman in Fulmer.

The prospect of a new play caller has us all wondering what is going to happen with our beloved Volunteers. If there was ever a time for Phil to wake up and realize that change is inevitable it is now. Thanks to innovation, I don’t have to move three TVs to enjoy football on New Years day. I have joined the new century. It is no longer a black and white Philco world. Playing catch up with the speed of the elites is not going to get any easier if we remain stuck in the past. Make a call contrary to your instincts and make us all proud Phil. Go Vols!

2 responses to “Guitar Shots to the Head: Happy New Year”

  1. Nice read as always Lex. The next week or so should be pretty interesting in regards to the coaching search.