Guitar Shots to the Head: The Threshold of Hope

The hat racks are getting full around here. In the near future this UT football program, and more notably the head coach and his crew may not have anything left to hang their hat on. In the last few years traditional team strengths that symbolized and defined the Volunteer football team are on the wane right now. It is one thing to have a poor season. Ceasing to do what you have historically “trademarked” is another thing altogether. A quick look at this football team will tell you exactly what I mean.

The defensive line: no unit on the field is more accountable for stopping the spread than the DL. If they are getting blown off of the ball, there is little hope for the linebackers to use their athletic ability to make a play. For the last two years the Vols have had serviceable linemen. Demonte Bolden has shown glimpses of brilliance, but still takes plays off here and there. Defensive line struggles are a new, very ugly phenomenon for Phil and crew.

The offensive line: say what you will about improvement last year. I have little doubt that there was a modicum of progression. When evaluating, try not to remember early the early short yardage plays against Cal and Florida. The days of lining up and running over people on offense are gone.

The receiving corps: I appreciate Lucas Taylor and crew, but this there has been a shortage of big play guys at the wide out position. If you were to ask any SEC fans what UT was most widely recognized for, the big play receiver would be at the top of the list.

The home field advantage: it isn’t overkill. Judging by the past few seasons it is not that hard to come into Neyland and compete. Last year was the first step in recapturing the home field magic. I wonder if the Vols can keep it going.

Recruiting: Sure it is a dead horse, but it has to be included on the list. Another recruiting year like this one and Tennessee will be in trouble. Like all classes, I have taken a liking to this one as well. I want to find the diamond in the rough like everyone else, but the reality of the situation is not rosy. Next year the Vols will not only require a few fat cat defensive linemen. The needs will extend well into to the skill positions. Given the number of freshman that contributed last year and were unable to redshirt, it will already be reload time at defensive back, running back, quaterback and receiver.

TV time: The Vols need more exposure than they received in 2007. Like most of you I found a way to watch. However, the days of the Vols being an automatic pickup for Lincoln Financial or ESPN seem to be gone. Recruits want exposure. If UT is not on television Phil can’t give it to them.

A losing season is disappointing. Watching the dominoes fall in your football program is more than that. It is demoralizing. The deficit started on the offensive line, then it moved to receiver, until finally the bug hit the defensive line. In the mean time Vol fans had to start paying $29.00 a game just to watch their team play. The big recruiting slow down is the last domino to fall.

Watching the dismantling of these historical strengths have led some Vols to give up hope of ever recovering under the current regime. Looking at the facts, I don’t necessarily blame them. I think we should all ask ourselves this question: What is your threshold of hope for this team? Maybe the sky isn’t falling, but the cloud ceiling is dropping by the minute. Just remember one thing. Winning fixes everything. Go Vols.

5 responses to “Guitar Shots to the Head: The Threshold of Hope”

  1. i think that pf has done a good job in the past with the football team, but over the last couple of years vol fans have started to see a decline in the talent level due to recruting,this years class is no exception, in my opinion, i think that we need new blood in the coaching staff starting with pf. we need someone to come in to really shake up the system, and get back to the SMATCH MOUTH style of football that we have come to love at the university of tennessee. GO VOLS!

  2. “Guitars falling from the sky” might should be the new column title. You need to try to read your “shot” again next December. (Yet, by then you will probably be writing about how “I knew something good was building over the last two seasons…” But how would I know what you would write then…your opinion is one thing but your grammar is atrocious to be a serious columnist. I just can’t read it.)

  3. This recruiting class is the last of several indications that pf has reached a declining moment in UT football. I think your analysis is fairly accurate and I shudder that next season could be ugly for the Big Orange. Any change in coaching, though, has to come from pf on a retirement basis. He cannot be fired IMO. He’s done too much good stuff.

  4. I sincerely appreciate the feedback. Jay, I apologize for the grammatical inadequacies. It is time for me to get an editor. As a side note when I do use “Guitars falling from the sky” I will certainly credit the source.

    On the off chance that UT does win next year I assure you that I will be the first to admit that I was wrong. My writings reflect my perceptions, nothing more and nothing less. At no point have I given any thought about being a “serious” columnist. The title of the blog should be a solid hint on that front.

    Given your feedback, apparently you did manage to read it and get my point.