Monday aftermath


As you can imagine, there has been some great discussion and celebration posted in the message board today. Collectively, it may be the best mood I’ve seen around here in quite some time. I thought I would point out a few of the more interesting threads and links from the day.

·Just in case you’ve been under a rock, it is confirmed and Tennessee is ranked #1 in both polls. I still can barely type that without a tear coming to my eye. Amazing! Be sure to join the discussion.

·Doug Gotleib from ESPN had a few things to say about the Vols in his podcast that were quite negative. According to board member Dickens821, Gotleib’s assessment is that Tennessee has an unimpressive bench, Josh Tabb is a low d-1 player, Chris Lofton is a low d-1 player who is only a prolific scorer when left alone, and Tennessee can’t rebound. Sounds like he must be a Memphis grad or something. Read the comments.

·Luke Winn, from SI wrote a great blog that does give Tennessee and Bruce Pearl the credit they deserve. He even goes as far as to write that if he had to pick a title game right now it would match Tennessee against UCLA. Read Vol fans reactions.

·You had to know there would be great discussion about the halftime interview with Bruce Pearl and Erin Andrews. Check out this thread which includes links to the video in case you missed it (or just want to watch it again). Luckily, Joe Namath gave the blueprint of how NOT to act (intoxicated in his case).

Lastly, be sure to check out the Meet the team at the Arena Pics & Vids. A great thread with some really good pictures and even a video of the madness from early Sunday morning.