The Rearview

The last week and a half has been very interesting from where I’ve been sitting, and the unfortunate thing for you is that you now are subject to a rant from me. As a member of a volatile fan base myself, I understand the need to vent, and I get the emotional attachment and investment made concerning your team, who ever that may be. But there comes a point where rational thought processes have to come in play, otherwise you run the risk of being likened to being a part of the subject of this rant: The North Carolina Basketball fan. The other part of this rant is going to be about last night’s game. Let’s do the game first.

ncb_ap_dejected_memphis_134.jpgI thought it was a very well played game overall, especially defensively by Kansas. I don’t think Memphis played terribly on the defensive side, but as the game wore on, Kansas got the lion’s share of the easy buckets and didn’t look like they struggled to score as much as Memphis did at times. Which is really more a credit to Memphis because they a) hit a ton of tough shots and b) still found themselves up by 9 with 2 minutes to go. In short, these two teams were very, very good at what they did. So why the need for a rant? John Calipari, and this season is the first real season I’ve followed him with any kind of regularity, is someone that I’ve actually grown to respect this season. I think he did a wonderful job all season long of keeping this team challenged, yet confident. But man, did he get out coached last night. Bill Self on the other hand had to have earned everyone’s respect for the game plan he installed for that game. Memphis had no answer, nor did they see to make any effective adjustments, for Kansas’s perimeter defense. They successfully closed down the driving lanes and forced Memphis out of what they do best. On the offensive side obviously, Kansas just decided to pound away inside, and Memphis did well just to be able to have a chance to win because they really had no answer. They got killed on the offensive boards and points in the paint. If he were a football coach, Bill Self coached the type of game that would have resulted in 250 yards rushing, 40 minutes TOP, and a defense that forced the other team to throw Hail Mary’s a lot earlier than they would have liked.

It’s a pity for Calipari that the last two minutes will be scrutinized like they will. Free throws did come to bite them in the butt. He should have called time out to set the defense with 10 seconds to go. He should have had them foul before they ever got the three off. But he was correct about one thing– Everything that had to happen for Kansas to win that game, happened. Unfortunately for him, part of what had to happen was Memphis had to make some big mistakes. They did, and they lost what was otherwise a very good game. Congrats to Kansas and Bill Self, they earned it, while Memphis was in the process of losing it.


On to the bigger part of this rant. North Carolina fans. I guess I get a unique perspective since I live in the middle of ACC country, and every year during basketball season the loonies show up en masse. As a conference, ACC basketball fans are as loony as SEC football fans, so there’s my disclaimer and acknowledgement that we are really no better. But for one select fan base, they take the cake. UNC fans are with out a doubt one of the most obnoxious groups of people in sports today. They are part of the same group that includes: Dallas Cowboy fans, Alabama football fans, Notre Dame Football fans, Yankee fans. The reason these fan bases are set aside from all other fan bases is the elitist sense of entitlement they think they are owed for simply being who they are.

As I listen to sports talk radio all day every day in my little dingy office (I could turn it off, I know…but it’s like watching a car wreck, I can’t turn away), I get to listen to the UNC homers call in all day long and talk all week last week about how there was no one left to fear in the tournament. That the level of expectation suddenly got changed to National Title or else as Kansas struggled with Davidson, and Memphis simply couldn’t be as good as The Heels. Literally, there was no discussion about the games; it went to discussing how this championship would be viewed and where this team stood against the best teams of all time. Quite simply, it was ridiculous. Two games to play and they simply ignored the fact that they do actually have to be played. Which is why the nature by which UNC lost to Kansas was so appealing to me. Not only did they lose, they got handled, definitively. Hansbrough didn’t get the calls he normally does (I must admit, every time he picked himself up off the floor to look back at the ref as if to say ”why wasn’t that called?”, I smiled). Roy inexplicably decided to let his time play thru a 25 or so point run. Lawson got covered up by Kansas’s guards. And the icing on the cake?, the UNC comeback bid gave everyone in powder blue hope only to watch Kansas reel off another double digit run to end the game. The cherry on top: Seeing Roy Williams at the game last night with a Jayhawk logo on his shirt. Priceless, considering that this morning the collective Tar Heel nation is in complete shock and awe that he was so blatantly rooting for the team that just crushed their hopes and dreams. As one UNC fan said this morning, “I’m on the ledge!” All I could think was that I hoped some Kansas fan was there to push him off of it then.

I think that about covers it. Thanks for going on that little trip with me.