Fulmer gets pay raise and extension

Phillip FulmerIt’s been a topic of much discussion and speculation over the last couple of weeks and now it’s official. The terms of Phillip Fulmer’s new contract have been released.

Here are the highlights:

  • His income for 2008 will increase by $350,000 to $2.4 million
  • In 2014, the final year of the contract, Fulmer will earn $3.3 million
  • The complete term of the contract is 7 years for a total of $20.93million
  • This contract includes a two year extension
  • An automatic $150,000 raise for each year of the contract (factored in)
  • There are various bonus incentives for things such as: playing in a non-bcs bowl, winning the SEC East, playing in a BCS Bowl, winning the SEC, and winning the BCS National Championship
  • A $1 million dollar longevity bonus will be paid in December 2012
  • It’s not being pointed out in any of the major media articles that I’m reading but Fulmer’s buyout is rumored to have been increased to over $5 million. (anyone have a link?)

Where does that put Phillip Fulmer among his fellow SEC coaches? Well it depends on how you look at it I suppose. If you take his 2008 salary alone he would appear to be the seventh highest paid coach. (Saban $4, Miles $3.751, Meyer $3.25, Petrino $2.85, Tubberville $2.8, Richt $2.8).

I’m not familar with the details of the other contracts, so this could be an unfair comparison, but if you just divide the total amount of Fulmer’s contract by 7 years that would put him at $2.99 million which would be fourth in the conference.

Of all the contract terms, fans seem to be mostly questioning the need for the additional two year extension and the large increase in the buyout. What says you?

Feel free to comment below or you an dicuss Fulmer’s raise here in our message forum.

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][UPDATE 7/3 3:29PM] – I just heard on local sports talk that Fulmer’s contract includes an automatic one year extension for any season of at least eight wins. That means a five loss season would result in an extension. Discuss.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

3 responses to “Fulmer gets pay raise and extension”

  1. Nah, rex. Come on. 🙂

    Did you hear the exact terms of the buyout? I caught bits and pieces of Hamilton on the radio but wasn’t clear on the exact buyout amount if they decide to get rid of Fulmer for whatever reason. I think he was using fuzzy math.

  2. Thru 2014! I think I better sit down and have another beer and let this soak in. If I see the offense not run up the middle in a predictable manner, then I’ll feel better. Pearl I can see. What a great addition! Fulmer is underachieving with the talent and I hope he allows the new offensive coordinator to keep UT’s offense from continually being referred as predictable. Results haven’t been there in the last few years and frankly, I thought Hamilton had more sense.