VolNation's FREE NCAA Football 09 Giveaway

NCAA Football 09 Giveaway

That’s right, to celebrate the much awaited release of EA Sports NCAA Football 2009 on July 15th, VolNation.com will be giving away one free copy of this game on the platform of choice (Xbox360, PS3, Wii). The game will be shipped directly to the winner immediately upon release for FREE, compliments of the best Vol community on the net (that would be us)!

How does the contest work? Each person to comment on this post will be automatically entered. The goal will be to eloquently (or not), convince us why you deserve to win. We will select the most creative and clever entries and randomly pick a winner from that group. (All decisions are final and will be fully the discretion of VolNation.com)

The deadline to enter is Sunday, July 13th at midnight. The winner will be announced on Monday morning so be sure to check back. We will need the pertinent information from the winner immediately so we that we can have the order placed with Amazon.com no later than Monday evening. The game will be purchased and shipped via one business day shipping. While, we can’t guarantee the timeline for Amazon, I would imagine the the game will be shipped on July 15th to arrive on July 16th.

IMPORTANT RULES: Your username entered in this comment must match your VolNation username. If you don’t have a VolNation account, register today, it’s easy and it’s free. One entry per person (and ip address). Please only post once. Multiple posts by the same poster will be subject to instant disqualification. Should you have questions us the Contact Us Form.

If you aren’t familar with this years game and all the great new features be sure to check out our Official NCAA Football 2009 thread.

83 responses to “VolNation's FREE NCAA Football 09 Giveaway”

  1. I can’t believe you would do this since it has been made obvious that EA Sports hates the vols.

  2. I feel like I deserve to receive the the copy of NCAA 09 for the following reasons:

    1) Gator in enemy territory 🙂 (although everyone has been great so far)
    2) My boys 8 and 11 will die if I can’t get them one the first week.
    3) Will have a new found respect for a great website and forums.
    4) If I win, I will wear UT gear to the UT/UF game and send in photographic evidence to prove my loyalty to VolNation for the game. I can be bought for a price.

    Thanks for the consideration.


  3. Hey freak,
    It seems I’m supposed to tell everyone why I’m the greatest, like you didn’t already know. Numero uno, I started and updated the thread that has the most views by far.
    (FFP-82,451 Fulmer Debate-30,198)
    Second, I put you in the TVB Contest. 😀
    Third, while I haven’t been here the longest, I’d like to thing I made an impact and have been well received.
    Fourth, if I win I will give a 30 minute acceptance speech. 🙂 Did I just hurt my chances?


  4. I feel like I would be a good candidate because I currently do not have any of the consoles to play these games on. I know that sounds like it would make me a terrible candidate but hear me out…….. Maybe if I had the game I could convince my wife to buy the PS3 I’ve been wanting. You my friends have my gaming future in your hands……I trust you will choose wisely (plus if it helps grease the wheels any I would gladly slip you a Twenty Freak)

  5. I’m in! My 360 is getting a little tired of 08…and has been begging me to get 09.

  6. Crap..I submitted prematurely, if you will….let’s try this again. I’m in! My 360 is getting a little tired of 08…and has been begging me to get 09. I turned my baby on the other day and she flirted with the ring of death…I know it was just her way of telling me that it’s time. I think that I am generally a good candidate because I am an nonathletic graduate student in engineering. Playing NCAA is my way to escape my graduate student chains .. and for a moment… for a faint sliver of time…. I’m on that field – playing for the Vols. Don’t take that away from me…daddy needs 09.

  7. I really need money for my eBay habits and if you give this to me then I will immediately put the game up for auction on eBay as I have no consoles and will not for a second ask my wife if I can buy a console. If I ask for a console then she will immediately ask if I can refine the console for gas. I will then in turn reply to my wife “no” and she will then reply “exactly”.

    So if I put it on eBay then I can buy other stuff and when she asks where that money comes from then I can say it came from the Nation. She will then ask who the nation is and I will say its a bunch of guys who’s wives won’t let them have a console so they have nothing better to do but sit around and bash Philip Fulmer.

    So to wrap this up I need it because there is an auction for a MINT 1963 Bob Uecker Rookie and a Mint 1963 Doug Atkins card that I really want.

  8. Well, I guess the main thing I have going for me is my pure, white-hot rage I hold towards NCAA 2008 on my 360. I loved it on the Xbox, and deep down inside I hope that 2009 can subside the urge to tie a burlap sack of puppies to it and sink it in the river. 2009 would save me on having to buy a burlap sack and rope, as I could just place 2008 somewhere I can forget about it.

    Second, it would rival the play time I put into COD4. As a killing game, COD4 is obviously tarnishing my mind and pushing towards evil things, as is the nature of video console gaming. The only thing in 2009 that would tweak my agent orange is the shotgun formation, but I don’t think we have to worry too much about me over Xbox Live.

    Last, I’m going to be teaching in the fall, and will likely need some respite from the children and grading their “lovely” work.

    For the sake of my wallet (the burlap sack), NCAA 2008 (sinking in the river), my unadulterated rage, and respite from children, consider me. Oh, plus it’s hard to round up a bunch of puppies this day without a reasonable excuse.

  9. I would love nothing more than to have NCAA Football 09 for my 360 compliments of my second family, VolNation. If I win the giveaway, it will help me slow down and stop on the “official countdown to football season” thread every single night at the stroke of midnight.

  10. If I win, I would be able to make all my
    football fantasies come to life by seeing
    the vols go 14-0 for the first time in history.

  11. I want to enter, but since I’m a mod that may be against the rules… if not, then I vote for MYSELF!!!

  12. If you pick me, Fulmer will win Coach of the Year after leading the Vols to back-to-back-to-back national championships.

  13. Ok, I have the best reasons of all. Get this..
    1) I’ve been playing NCAA Football since I was 11. I even still have all the copies from 1995-2008.
    2) I’m stationed here between Gamecock and Bulldog country, and who wants that??
    3) My wife actually plays with me.
    And for my best reason of all
    4) Being a Marine, this game was my savior during my tour in Afghanistan where I put my life on the line for you people. I win.

  14. I’m moving 600 miles away for my girlfriend. My hand is going to be over worked one way or another, might as well be leading my fantasy Vols to the SEC Championship.

  15. My cat has no legs and that’s why I should win,plus I could swap the game for some whiskey.

  16. If you put your trust in me (to give me a copy of NCAA 09 for the XBox 360), I promise that, in my dynasty, I will work like heck to take the Volunteers to new fake heights. The fake Urban Meyers and fake Nick Sabans of the video game world will fake tremble at the mention of my name.

    Clearly, my fake qualifications speak for themselves. In NCAA 08, I have already set fake records for the most fake national championships won by a single coach, the most fake SEC Championships won by a single coach, and I am undefeated against fake Georgia, fake Florida, and fake Alabama. I have more fake gold than fake Fort Knox.

    Allow me to demonstrate why I am a clear choice using simple mathematics:

    Working like heck + Fake success against SEC competition / Gutsy play calling on fourth down = Fake championships and fake bragging rights for the fake Volunteers.

    I can also guarantee that the fake media will not fake intimidate me or my players. Because I’m a man. I’m 40!

  17. I think I should receive the NCAA 09 game so I could give it to my grandson. He is the little guy in my avatar and the only thing I have ever been able to give him is the worm he used to catch the trout in my avatar. It breaks my heart every year when Christmas comes around as I can’t get him any gifts to put under the tree. The only good thing about my plight is that Santa brought him an XBox 360 last Christmas so he can play the game I hope to win for him.

  18. okay, here goes….

    I absolutely love NCAA Football.
    NOt good enough….you are probably right. And, how can I compare to the soldier? Let’s hope it is not an American Idol sob story that is only partly true.

    How about this…..
    The kids at my son’s summer camp have been telling him that Santa Claus is not real. I am telling him that Santa is absolutely real. Not only is he real but he delivers in July (the football game I hope to win, that is)….and best of all, Santa wears Orange and White and not red and white. So, thank you Santa for helping me to keep a child believing!!
    P.S. Sorry it has been 20 years since I last wrote.

  19. I’m a sister who loves college football and video games. Enough said.

  20. The reason why I should win is because I was soooooo close to winning the NCAA Basketball tourney. I lost the last contest that VN had in the last 1 min, THANKS CAL!!#$%^%$# I was #1 and lost it in the very last min, so I should win this, *grin* For real, I don’t need it or anything, but if you guys do pick me i’ll will just give it to one of the guys that are in the military and overseas right now. I know we have a few guys that post on VN that can’t enter,so this entry will be their entry. Good Luck to everyone..

  21. I think i should win ncaa will give me something to do during my spare time in the summer.

  22. I have been in school getting bachelor’s and graduate degrees for the better part of a decade. I came up for air once in 2004 to play NCAA ’04 and wreaked havoc on all my friends with the Vols. Then, I had to go back to the hot place that is graduate school, and I haven’t touched a video game since. I need it. I just graduated from school with my final degree, and I am ready to be “released into the wild.” What better way to rejoin sports game land than to get the new NCAA ’09 game and immediately go out and buy a new game console?

    Also if you remember, Freak, I once volunteered to possibly write for VolNation, but I couldn’t find the time. I can make my appearance this year writing recaps of the games I play before the real matchups each week (kind of like the simulations that Knoxville News was doing). Except these won’t be computer-generated and stupid like KNS’s. These will be absolute user-controlled old-fashioned beatdowns. Final score, Tennessee – 87 Air Force – 0. I can see it now.

  23. I think that I’d be a worthy candidate for this game because I’ve dedicated over 3 years of my life to help keep this wonderful place known as Volnation.com going.

    I started out a lowly 1 post wonder, but eventually progressed into the boards leading poster (in post count that is) I have protected the Volnationals from irksome spammers and tiresome trolls. And that was only when I wasn’t merging, splitting, moving, deleting, or editing posts.

    When your avatars didn’t work, OWB was there. When you couldn’t figure out how to put those sigs up, OWB was there. When vol_freak abandoned the board for weeks on end to play GOW, OWB was there. When you were having log in problems, OWB was there. When vol_freak’s wife was lonely…Oh wait.

    In closing I would like to say that MOD’s shouldn’t be exempt from this great honor (except for GaVol, remus, LIO, volmanjr and vader, you can go on and exempt them) because we’re the glue that holds this place together. Without us, people would be able to speak freely and post anything that pleased them and we can’t have that now can we?

    I’m OWB and I support this message.

  24. Dear Mr. Freak,

    I think I should win because I will use the “pay it forward” method if you choose me. This means I will send Finevol a brochure on Alpaca Farming and an unautographed copy of Van Halen’s “Diver Down”. He will then forward on the generosity. So by picking me, you will kickstart the process to a better world. Also, do they make an Atari 2600 version?

    Thanks and best wishes to all,

  25. My girlfriend says if I get this game she is going to break up with me. Please give me this game!

  26. I haven’t done any of this graduate stuff or anything, BUT…. I like football. And video games. And your great granny has holes in her panties BYAH!!!! But seriously if you don’t pick me we might lose to bama. Do you really want that on your conscious?! Your choice.

  27. I deserve to win the game because I have bought every copy of the game since ncaa first released. I love college football and the Vols and I absolutely hate nick saban and evrything associated with alabama football. I wan to purchase the game to destroy Alabama in the new all important home field advantage aspect of the game!!

  28. I should win because I know old Alabama jokes…

    How do you keep an Alabama player out of your yard? Put goal posts in it!

    What’s the best thing ever to come out of Alabama? I65!

    What do George Washington, George Patton, Robert E. Lee and Bear Bryant have in common? They’re all dead!

    How many Alabama fans does it take to change a light bulb? 4…1 to change the light bulb, 1 to declare how the lightbulb change harkens back to the days of Bear changing lightbulbs, 1 to lose to Louisiana-Monroe and 1 to claim a national championship for changing the lightbulb.

  29. Easy I hate bama,Lsu and Flo rida more than all of you collectively!!Well that maybe a stretch.Because I’m on my 3rd PS3 since Dec.Thats my run at it.!

  30. I Think I Should Win Because,Drum Roll If You Please:
    I Am A Gator Hater
    Don’t Hate Me Because I Am Beautiful

  31. Let me start by saying that I will turn 30 this year. I remember back when I was 6, living with my mom, when I first made the decision to become a UT fan.

    We used to have this mailman who had bright red hair, that was so red that when the sunshine hit it, it turned a bright orange. This mailman was so nice that he even brought mail to my house on Sunday. He was always so nice and polite to my mother and I.

    One day I asked the mailman why his hair was so orange, “It’s so orange because I am a huge UT fan.” he exclaimed. I was absolutely amazed by this answer. The next day when I saw him I asked if it would be possible to be a UT fan even if I didnt have orange hair, “why of course” he answered. “UT is the best school around and anyone can be a fan”.

    From that day I have been a UT fan.

    That next winter my mom told me that I would soon have a brother, I was so excited. A few months later we went to the hospital and after a wait that seemed like forever, my brother was finally born…and wouldnt you know it… he was a UT fan! It was so awesome!

    I never saw that mailman after that. The postal service must have been experiencing staffing difficulty because it seemed like there was a different mailman every month.

    I now have five siblings, who all pull for different teams but my brother and I are huge UT fans.

    I am now happily married. With children of my own.

    I really love the college football game, but on second thought….Freak, dont make the mailman come to my house. I think I will just go and pick it up at the store.

  32. My 8 year old son is still playing 06 on his ps2. For top notch college football graphics and play he should have this game for his Wii. Besides it would give me cool points and the last ones of those I got was when I gave him the light up spring loaded light saber from Attack of the Clones.

    Help the ole man out.

  33. I deserve NCAA 09 because:

    I will win 20 straight NCAA championships playing as UT and save (to say the least) Fulmer’s job. Then Harry Potter will come and turn my video game dynasty into reality. Fulmer will then thank me with $10 million, all of which i will donate to volnation.


  34. UT Vols football jersey…$50

    UT football tickets…$70

    Feeling the roar of the crowd and the chill down your spine as the Vols burst through the “Power T”…priceless

  35. I am the most deserving of this game first because of what I have to go through to convince my wife to spend the money in order to get the game each year. I should mention that I am married to an accountant. Try sneaking numbers around the checking account in my household.

    The second reason, is I dodged filters on the work’s PC to find out NCAA 2009 game is not available on the original xbox (my only game system). This game would allow me leverage in my bargaining abilities with my significant other for a new system.

    And lastly I need this game to get the horrible taste of last year’s game out of my mouth. I mean are you kidding me, with the type of signing class we had and the horrible of numbers EA gave the class, please! I don’t even have the space to talk about how they ranked our receivers! With the showing on the field we had last year our rankings can’t be denied this year!

  36. I have 3 kids who beat me at every video game. If I win I will hide it from them for a week while I become “the man” and then beat them all like a drum!

    Thanks Freak!

    GO VOLS!

  37. I don’t deserve to win anything as I am actually the reason the Vols lose when they lose. You see I am cursed and anything I love is destined for despair. Need proof? Ok… After the 97 season I had this same conversation with my buddy he told me I was crazy. So we made a bet I would not wear anything Vol related, talk about think about or even care about the Vols for one season. If the Vols were better without Manning I would win if not he won. Well we all know how that season turned out. So I won the bet good for me right? Wrong… The bet was for $2500 if I won $250 if I lost. So with my $2500 I went and bought a GSXR (a motorcycle) that I LOVED. Two weeks later I went around a curve that had some loose gravel laid the bike down it slid right into a light pole totaling the bike. The light pole had some significant damage. I had to pay $500 to replace the light pole. So I missed out on the greatest football season in UT history AND payed $500 to do it. So you see if I did win, the game will without a doubt burn my house down and I’d have to pay my neighbor $10,000 for interrupting his sleep with my loud cries for help.

  38. I should win because I spent the last two years arguing with europeans on what is “real” football. Then to convince them that the best football in america is played by kids who don’t get paid (unless they play at Miami) was an even bigger battle.

    I started by letting them play NCAA 2006

    I spread the word. Taught them to use the juke movie when running inside, not the spin move. We all know the spin move is too slow, and you will probably fumble.

    I taught them the differences between the nickle and dime defenses, and how to pick them without the other play knowing, even when they were looking at their playbook.

    I was an ambassador for the Vols across the continent. Now that I am back in Memphis, I would love nothing more than to find some exchange students, or Ole Miss fans and teach them real football. Thank you for your time.


    ps…also, playing golf everyday is getting expensive, I need an inside hobby!

  39. I have a birthday coming up soon, does that matter? Not to mention, I think Freak is the best thing since, well, the whole bakery.

  40. I was playing a season on last year’s version of the game, and Alabama won the National Title in the 2012 season (I was working on building a small school team up). This makes me fear that if I don’t soon delete the data from that memory card, Alabama fans might start claiming yet another mythical national title. I just can’t stomach the thought of the Bammers coming to Volnation bragging about their 13th national title that we can’t disprove until January 2013. To them, it would give instant justification to their calls to enshrine Saban in the Hall of Fame for “that title we all know we will win”.

    Now, as the father of a two year old that works full-time and takes college classes full-time, I don’t have the money to fix this potentially disastrous situation on my own. I need Volnation to help me make sure that the Bama fans don’t get these preemptive bragging rights to another mythical national championship. With your help, I can delete the memory card and restore the proper order to the universe (the order where the Bama fans stay in their shacks stroking the houndstooth hats telling themselves that spring game attendance really does affect how the team plays next season).

    Also, while I would like the wii version (don’t have the cash for the PS3 or 360), I’ll accept the PS2 version. That would save Freak $10. You have to admit that’s a bonus to choosing me.

  41. hey man i just love the Tennessee Vols and cant wait to kick so UGA butt against my co worker so hook me up and let the Rocky Top start!!!

  42. 1. Because despite living across the Atlantic (in London), I pay ridiculous amounts of money and stay up until the wee hours of the morning to watch live streams of UT games online. I fly back for at least three games a year.
    2. Because I literally cry every time the Vols lose.

    3. Because when I was in law school at Berkeley, I flew to the Cal-Tennessee game in Knoxville, sat in the Cal student section wearing orange from head to toe, and had the pleasure of convincing the Cal students just how much their team sucked that year. While in law school, I never once wore Cal gear so as to make my allegiance to the one true alma mater very clear!

    4. My devotion to the Vols knows no bounds!

  43. Although my disquished colleques are loyal fans of the Orange and White, and their devotion to UT Sports in unmeasurable…..I am clearly a better canidate for the EA Sports NCAA Football 2009 because of my deep seeded roots of being born in the great state of Tennessee (God’s Country) having personnaly breathed the same air as the last 4 Head Football Coaches, proximity can be debatable :), However, it can be said that Peyton Manning and I shared the same highway and numerous occasions. I actually watched the two remaining games that UT beat Bama when the Paul “Bear” Bryant was the head coach…..yes this game is clearly mine for numerous reason that…I can not put on this page or prove, but I love the Vols!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. I should win because I have owned every version of this game since 97 and I always dominate with the Vols.

  45. I am in the military Fighting for my country defending the luxuries that you all enjoy.

    I am away from my families the extended family and my big orange family

    I get up at 2 in the morning just to watch Vol games no matter the sport

    This will be the first season in awhile where I am not deployed to watch my son play and play a video game with him

  46. If I win the game I will use it for the good of VolNation.

    I will video tape all of the Gators hand signals, and their playbook and send it to Jon Chavis, and when we shut out the Gators this season it will be because VolFreak made the right decision….the decision to end this contest now and declare me the winner


  47. Why should I win?
    Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
    Why do you need a driver’s license to buy booze when you can’t drink and drive?
    Why is a boxing ring square?
    Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin?
    You know that little indestructible black box that is used on planes? Why can’t they make the whole plane out of the same substance?
    Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand?

    Why ask Why? The real question you should be asking me is my address so we can seal the deal.

  48. I have been deprived of playing an NCAA Football game since the 06 game came out. I think im deserving of the game because I want to know the joy of playing that brand spankin’ new game the day it comes out. It would feel like Christmas morning to acually win a contest, which I never have. Please let this 16 year old feel the joy of winning.

  49. i have read every contestant’s entry on here so far, and all but one have said why they should win. i thought about going that route and start by saying i am an entering college freshman so i will not have any extra money to spend to buy this game. i am in the process of trying to buy a car, but i dont have enough money for that either. but i decided against going that way to try to get you to give me NCAA 09. but instead i will think of the reasons to why i shouldn’t win…… well, i cant think of any so i guess i should win!!! ha

  50. Ok, here’s my NCAA story, it has completely flipped my life upside down.

    During my sophomore year of college my friends and I were obsessed with NCAA ’06. We played game after game, day after day. Classes were ignored, homework was postponed, and tests were rarely studied for. The competition was fierce, each of my roommates believing we were the true masters of NCAA football.

    For fairness, we implemented a rule where no running QBs could be used, as they often led to scrambles every pass play. This kept the game as real as possible and more intense than ever. If someone suffered a loss, it was not uncommon for George Carlin’s “Seven Dirty Words” to be referenced (to put it politely), chairs to be knocked over, and doors to be slammed shut.

    During one particular game, Tennessee (me) vs LSU (my friend), my friend felt quite confident being up by 7 with thirty seconds to go and the ball. Instead of running the ball, my friend, being the cocky SOB he is, decided to throw a hail mary to counter my punt block defense on 2nd and 8. The ball hung in the air as the grin on my friend’s face shined in my peripheral vision. It soon disappeared, however, as the lone man back to receive the punt snatched it out of the air. What happened next was a blur, spin moves, jukes, everything I had, Jonathan Hefney had taken it too the house. I heard John Ward in the back of my head, “TOUCHDOWN TENNESSEE!”

    No worries, my friend thought, overtime. Nay, not today. I went for two. I picked the play he would never expect. A QB Draw with the one, the only, Eric Ainge. It took only a few seconds, but it seemed like a minute as Ainge stumbled his way into the endzone. I had won, victory! My friend, fuming, got up and as I laughed, tackled me. A small scuffle occurred next, and eventually campus security was called. Instead of punishing us they decided to call our parents. It was one little fight, but my mom was furious and scared. I begged, I pleaded with her, nope, her decision was final, “you’re moving with your auntie and uncle in bel-air!”

    I whistled for a cab and when it came near
    The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
    If anything I can say this cab is rare
    But I thought nah forget it – ‘Yo homes to Bel Air’

    I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
    And I yelled to the cabbie ‘Yo homes smell ya later’
    I looked at my kingdom
    I was finally there
    To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air

  51. Im not sure if I really deserve this game but I could come up with some reasons why I might..I have been coming to UT games since I was a baby..I will never forget while I was growing up parking really far away from the stadium off 17th street exit.. My dad didnt really have the money to pay for parking since he worked 2 jobs. So when we would arrive to the game right at game time. Half the time we would run all the way to the stadium just to make sure I got to see the team run through the power “T”. Some other games when he didnt have to work on Saturdays so we would get there in time for the band to come down the hill..I will never forget riding on my Dad’s shoulders watching the band come down..Never once did he complain that I was too heavy even though this continued on till I was about 9 or 10 years old.. I started to get addicted to UT football and have been ever since..I seriously could almost name every years starting lineup since the early 90’s.. I always had a dream to one day run through that T, but I was a little too short and a tad too slow for Division 1 football. After high school, I had a chance to go play football but it was all smaller schools that offered me..When it came down to it, I decided that I would rather give up football and go to UT as a student..This way I could still watch every game and enjoy the team I loved. Too this day I dont regret missing out on playing becuase I had alot of great memories while I was there watching them play and some bad ones..Till this day my blood runs orange and that will never change no matter how many wins and whoever the coach is..

  52. OK so I supposed to tell you the reasons I deserve this game. Well lets just do this in list format, shall we?

    #1) I have a pregnant wife that is expected to give birth to my first son near Sept 2nd which is very close to opening day for the Vols and I have this sinking feeling video games might just become something I do when I can’t sleep and I am not really sure how many Vol games I will be able to take in with a newborn and all.

    #2) I am a realtor, So I guess you all have heard the news by now, business has slowed and we are all broke. Well maybe not broke but lets just say the income got cut a little and by a lttle I mean ALOT, but I am still keeping groceries on the table and my wife and I are not in stupid debt so we are just fine but that disposable income just got disposed.

    #3) And the 3rd and final reason I deserve this is because I suck, ask anyone who has played call of duty 4 with me, I am terrible. And its not just at that game I am horrible at Nascar and Football, and yes even roller coaster builder. I never win anything, EVER. I once registered for 3 door prizes at an Open House that only 4 people showed for and I didn’t win I mean really. I need to thank the guys that still play COD4 with me and carry me through each and every game but come on it is time that I win something, sometime, somewhere, PLEASE HELP.

    Thank you VolNation for your consideration.

    Steve Jernigan

  53. I just wanna say, I dedicate this speech to all of the LOYAL, WONDERFUL, spontaneous, courageous, extraordinary, marvelous, spectacular, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incredible, phenomenal, sensational, captivating, entertaining, yet fascinating VolNation Mods out there!

    And to Vol_Freak, yes you. What can I say… Unique, uncommon, outstanding, remarkable, charitable, self-sacrificing, generous, greathearted, openhearted, compassionate, humane, & kind. Just wanna say thank you, for all of the hard work. If it was up to me, you guys would win the Nobel Prize, every year!

    As for my speech, I would just like to say…

    I now hear there is a “NCAA Football 09, VN Giveaway”. I would very much like to win this competition. If you could do me that favor, I will continue to post on this board.

    You’re Welcome.

    xTennesseex, or as some of you know me as on XLive. FLORIDAPC.

    GO VOLS!!!!

  54. I just need a break. Eric and Juicy Locke are living in my basement.

    They talked me into letting them live here, since their previous landlord wasn’t recognizing their true potential, always wanting them to earn their keep.

    They still insist it’ll all be worth it, just as soon as Eric (with Juicy as his publicity agent) hit it big in the NFL. Any day now!

    Maybe if I had the game, they’d leave me alone for a while…

  55. I should be the winner because I will buy the contest organizers a case of beer. If you don’t drink beer, tell me what you do drink and we’ll work something out.

    Oh yeah, and I’m the coolest “begger-for-the-win” you have on this site now. Go Vols!!!

    Oh, and I’m gonna post this video of Arian Foster teaching white girls how to “Walk It Out.”

  56. Ok, the video didn’t embed correctly, so here’s the link. Enjoy!!!

  57. I should win because I am in the military serving our great nation and I had to move away from Knoxville to do it. No more season openers. But if I could atleast play the season opener on my XBOX it would make it a little easier to cope. I love VolCountry and I even pay extra just to get all the football games on my DISH. I am having a baby in Oct. and his middle name is looking like it’s going to be Neyland. That’s how much I love the Orange and White. Thanks for the consideration. Ah hoo! – A1C Tate

  58. Well, seeing as how it is my birthday the night it comes out I think that I deserve a free shot at the game. Plus, if I win in I am a pretty easy win online so you can build up your ranked status while I cuss and throw things at the TV. Oh yeah, I am broke and in college so what else is there to do??????


  59. I have bought NCAA football the past 4 years for my son’s playstation and it has cost me $50 a year each year. Now he has an XBOX Live and it is $60. I also absolutely love college football, and of course the Big Orange! Truth is, I will play it as much as he will, so I will definitely be buying it. So, if I win, I can save 60 bucks, which can go toward my UT game tickets instead! Go Vols and thanks for the chance enter!

  60. My fiance promised if I won the game I would be allowed to put a PS3 on the registry. Since it is currently filled with sheets, towels, plates, etc I think it would definitely help me get one. I mean, what guy wants to buy his friend sheets? Help a dying man out!

  61. I think you should give me this game because I have a 53-1 record while playing in Neyland stadium with EA Sports NCAA Football. I need this game.. Gotta Have it. And with gas prices.. You would save me huge by not having to drive to the store to get it.
    Also, it would give me girlfriend something else to complain about and hey, thats what keeps our relationship going.
    In the end, you would be saving man kind and the world for that matter by giving me this game.
    The future lies in your hands.. How will you choose..
    Go VOLS!!

    Tennessee Pride!

  62. The graphics on this new game is amazing!!…Saw it at best buy the other night!

  63. because I will at UT in the Fall and i’ll be able to share the game with the other students, sharing is caring

  64. Did anyone notice on NCAA ’09 that Tennessee’s Jerseys are the wrong orange. They look more like a clemson or florida orange (meaning they look too dark)??