The Rearview: 9/9

Well, week 2 is in the books.  Week 3 promises some more interesting match ups, but there were a few things worth noting from this past weekend’s games. 

The Who?  The rebuilding project in Coral Gables got a pretty good idea of how far they have left to go before they truly get back to where they want to be.  I think you saw some flashes of what it is yet to come under Randy Shannon, but they simply don’t have the horses right now.  That said, I want that punter on my team. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he had a personal vendetta against Brandon James…….not that there’s anything wrong with that, it was just unexpected to see that kid flat roll James twice and take him out a 3rd time.  That may be part of the problem for the ‘Canes……..the punter seemed to be the meanest guy on the team. 

The quarterback has some moxy, but played like a freshman and the defense showed glimpses.  Basically, in the 1st half, Miami at least proved it was heading in the right direction, the 2nd half proved why they still have a little ways to go. 

Florida on the other hand, took it’s time to establish itself.  A big play here, a big play there…….but I guess I leave that game wondering who are the 2008 Florida Gators?  I didn’t see anything in the traditional running game that should scare anyone.  Tebow was still an effective runner and showed he was capable of the big play over the top.  James and Harvin both proved why they get the hype.   The WR’s were good and the replacement for Ingram at TE was effective.  Bottom line for Florida, ho hum 3 touchdown victory over a team they should have beaten by 3 touchdowns. I guess there’s two ways of looking at it……either they don’t know who they are or what they want to do, or they can do anything they want.  Hm, I wonder which one is true?   

Now two weeks to get ready for Phil Fulmer and company.  The problem for us, as I see it, is that from what I’ve seen so far, we look a lot more like Miami than we do Florida.  If that doesn’t change fast…….well, you know. 

ECUUUUUUUUUUUUU…….as some of my ECU Alum buddies would say, is the talk of the town.  The win over VT could have been considered flukish given the way they won, but not the win over WVU.  That was no fluke.  They lined up and just flat beat the Mountaineers.  If you watched the game, you just had to be impressed with the physical way the defense handled the speed WVU has, and offensively, they just pounded and pounded, and pounded…….Phil Fulmer was likely watching wondering “That’s a beautiful thing, why can’t we do that?”   Great win for Skip Holtz and the Pirates, he had that team well prepared and they executed more times than not…….arghhhhhh!!!! 

The game of the week that I didn’t see……..Wake Forest against Ole Miss……..ok, I got to see the 4th quarter, which is what mattered, but credit both these schools with playing a really good game to the end.  Jevan Sneed almost solidified his name in Ole Miss Lore with the 4th down play that seemed to take 15 minutes to complete.  That was a hell of a play, regardless of the outcome.  But the comeback bid for Nutt and Company came up a few plays short as Riley Skinner led the Deacs down for a game winning FG with scant few seconds left on the clock.   

This is one of those games people that watch and say “it’s a shame anyone has to lose”.  It wasn’t really a shame for Ole Miss.  It would have been for Wake.  They now own the ACC’s marquee win of the season.  Nice.  I should also point out that Jim Grobe is officially on my favorite coaches list. 

There wasn’t a lot else going on in the SEC this weekend………..oh, wait, there was one more game, oh yeah, it was played on Thursday.  South Carolina was looking for revenge against Vandy.  Well, apparently Vandy took a look and said “not impressed”. 

Let me just say that game was a true pleasure to watch.  I said on Friday that USC just joined Tennessee on the underachiever couch, and I stick with that.  But all that really happened in that game is Steve Spurrier gained one more notch on his belt of things he has that Phil Fulmer doesn’t………a losing streak to Vanderbilt.  It’s petty, I know, but it still makes me laugh that two years in a row a team coached by Steve Spurrier couldn’t outscore Vandy. 

I just hope I can keep laughing come November 1.  Until then, I simply have fingers crossed. 

Lastly, a couple of observations from the NFL opening weekend…….. 

Most impressed with:  Steelers, Bills, Denver, Philly…ok, call me a homer, but I was there, they looked good.  Go Steelers.

Most surprised with:  Carolina….the Jake magic is back baby!  Buffalo…….who knew?

Couldn’t be happier for:  Aaron Rodgers….Brett who?

Couldn’t be sadder for:  Tom Brady, but not really………….ok, maybe a little…

Most disappointed in:  Colts…..brand new home, all your friends come over and you lose to Kyle Orton???  Chargers… got beat by the Carolina Panthers.  At home.  With out Steve Smith.  Go stand in the corner…you’re on timeout.

Coach immediately on the hot seat:  Lane Kiffin (in fairness, he has the baddest college football team ever assembled), Marvin Lewis (Cincy really laid an egg against what should be a BAD Baltimore team.)

Coach that should be on the hot seat, but isn’t because he’s going to retire this year anyway:  Mike Holmgren….the Seahawks are supposed to be on a shortlist of NFC contenders.  That means they should be able to beat the 3rd or 4th place team in the AFC East.

Blunder of the week that turned out ok in my book:  Reebok apparently had some issue with the jerseys this week so the newly named Chad Ocho Sinco (and I don’t care if it’s misspelled), got a jersey that apparently wasn’t made aware of the change to the nomenclature, as it simply said “Johnson”, thus bringing us full circle in the “how much attention can one guy get by changing his name” marathon.  Chad, get a clue; you are now a punch line. 

That’s about it for now……getting ready for a 3 week road trip, and to see whether or not the Vols look any better come Saturday.  Go Vols.

2 responses to “The Rearview: 9/9”

  1. I’d like to say I knew about your surprising Bills. I said they would win 10 games in the predictions thread. Lynch is going to be so good that Edwards won’t have to do anything special to be a good football team.

  2. well, that division is certainly opened up. but that was a big win for them Sunday.

    agree about Edwards. He doesn’t have to carry them.