Guitar Shots to the Head: No Conference for Old Men

Florida lowered the boom on Saturday.  Once and for all, college football fans got the answer to the question: “Where does this football team stand?” Speaking of answers, they were delivered in short order.  The UT football team had few answers for the speedy attack of Florida’s special teams. UT was put away in the first ten minutes of the game. Phil Fulmer had his own answers, as he took responsibility for the loss.  Volunteer fans offered their reply to the sloppy play by letting their feet do the talking, as if to say the time for talking is finished.

Frustrated, depressed, apathetic, fed up…..all of these emotions linger for a fan base looking at a season in tatters.  Especially considering that there is no quick fix for the problems facing this football team.

I have dealt with this loss in my own way.  I have spoken to former players, and long time fans.  All of them tell me the same thing.  Don’t hang any hopes on the Vols this year (not that I hadn’t already come to that conclusion).  Some people that I have talked to say that the talent is there.  I don’t know if we can even make a realistic assessment of our talent with the way the Vols have played in there first few games. Aside from the QB play, it is quite possible that there are a few difference makers on offense.  Of course that doesn’t really matter if you cannot get the football in their hands.

One thing hasn’t changed on offense.  The Vols cannot run for one yard when they need it the most.

So, we are back to the age old argument.  Is it talent or is it coaching? The most obvious answer is that it is both.

There is no reason for me to pile on ole Phil and the rest of the staff now.  They are doing the job for all of the naysayers.  This football team is simply unprepared to play football right now.  That means there is no reason to speculate about the absence of David Cutcliffe, and what that has meant to the preparedness of this football team.

Consider this the kindest and most gentle response I can offer to the product the coaches have put on the field this year.  Phil has seen his day come and go.  Please understand, I am not kicking the man while he is down.  This is not a message of hate and anger.  This is the truth as I see it.

With apologies to Cromac McCarthy, this is No Conference for Old Men. The SEC is a youthful conference. It is predicated on new game planning and fast skill players. It is the Porsche of the football world. Right now there is no place in the SEC for an F150.

The age of Bear Bryant rolling up to the house and talking to a recruit’s momma is gone.  The wishbone and the power I have gone the same way.  Winning in the SEC is now all about adaptation. Phil is a throwback. His style and demeanor screams “This is the way we used to do it”.  At one time that philosophy served him well. Unfortunately, those days are gone.

It is not Phil’s fault that the times have changed.  Nor is it his fault that he is nor really that adaptable.  In many ways it is unfair to expect the old offensive lineman to change.  It is not unfair to ask him to now make way for the next generation.

Phil will forever be remembered as a National Championship coach at the University of Tennessee.  If he holds on for much longer, he is going to take some of the shine off of his accomplishments. It is time for one and all to look at where we stand as a football program and to realize this is No Conference for Old Men.

6 responses to “Guitar Shots to the Head: No Conference for Old Men”

  1. I predicate the following viewpoint by saying that I fully recognize and admire the hard work and dedication that every member of the University of Tennessee football program has given in their pursuit of victory. It is out of respect to our players and coaching staff that I feel that my viewpoint is expressed.

    I applaud your truth as you see it Lexvol because it is the truth as seen by many Volunteer Fans. The state of Volunteer Football is in denial. This denial, which if not addressed promptly, will tear the very fabric that has given UT football it’s legacy.

    Much the like the economy, UT football is in need of a bail out. Last years staff mass exodus came after miracle, after miracle, game after game. Yes we won the East… and again, when put in the spot light, our weakness was once again in plain view.

    How many times do we as fans after a defeat have to repeat, if, so and so hadn’t and if we would have blah blah blah, we would have won the game. This basic game analysis is voiced I’m sure the US over by fans of many different teams and as a general rule, when voiced, changes are made in those programs to eliminate it’s repetitiveness. By now though UT fans, players and staff have swiss cheese for feet!!!

    The one thing I would like to add that I feel has not been voiced…

    The Vol Nation is comprised of tradition, family values, integrity, dedication and loyalty… We are not a sell-out to the demands of success… We believe that these trademarks will weather the tests of time and in the long term be more fruitful and boast greater value because WE stood tall in the face of adversity…

    I believe, in any long-term venture, flexibility and adaptation, while maintaining our trademarks, are the keys to success, stability and growth. It is in this flexibility and adaptation to change; our execution has not been modified by current trends and has ultimately been our downfall.

    Why do we believe that by adapting, we cannot maintain our integrity and honor and that somehow our success from this evolution will bring any less validity, enjoyment or personal satisfaction from winning. I take pride in our trademarks and continue to wear my ORANGE and fly my flags in the face of defeat and humiliation because I understand who we are as a TEAM, as the VolNation and in what we stand for!

    Denial leads to destruction and the truth is without this acknowledgement is a potential 5-7 2008 team and a similar projection in 2009 will be our death…

  2. “With apologies to Cromac McCarthy…”

    Perhaps you should apologize to Cormac McCarthy instead.

  3. Well written;Thanks Phil for all you done but just like the business world you must replace the players or coaches that do not get the job done or meet the expectation.

    True Vol fan that will watch every painful game on TV but will not pay to see the pitfall @ Rocky Top!

  4. It’s time to clean house. We need a whole new coaching staff. Let’s get some younger coach’s. Fulmer’s time is over.