The Rearview 9-28

I ain’t mad at ya.

I should be, but I’m not.  I guess my expectations have been adjusted.   As sated last week, and proven again this week, this is just a bad team right now.  Thru the 1st quarter of the season, they’ve shown no reason to think there will be a miraculous improvement.  1-3, 0-2.  Vandy is undefeated and #1 in the East. Alabama is a heartbeat away from #1.  Wake me up from this nightmare…..

To give you a little insight, I usually start these things by simply typing out my thoughts, then going back and arranging them into coherent, orderly sentences and paragraphs (at least I try anyway), and then I read it a few times.  Did I make my point?  Am I rambling?  Does this make any senses?  Would I believe this if I read it?  Anyway, you get the idea.

But tonight, I’m having no such luck.  There are no random thoughts that haven’t already been put out there……by any number of people, on this site, or in your local paper or some other web page.  The only thing that occurred to me while watching the Auburn game was that, in my lifetime, I have not seen worse quarterback play at Tennessee.  And that’s understandable; the standard that has been previously set is pretty daunting.

Quite simply the quarterback situation at Tennessee is as dire as it has ever been. Certainly since I can remember.  I guess it was bound to happen eventually, but as you will recall, one of the things I pinned this season’s hopes on was, and I quote: “So long as the quarter back doesn’t suck out loud, this offense will be fine.”  4 games in, all I can say is “oops.”

The 3 games leading up to the Auburn game had most all of us up in arms about Fulmer, and rightfully so, but I don’t think anyone can disagree that the BIGGEST issue facing this team is any kind of consistent play from the quarterback.  The mis reads, not being able to see the field, not being able to complete a simple hand off, the turnovers…… could go on and on. I’ll stop now because we’ve all seen the same things, no need to re hash.

To add to the frustration, they still insist on making all the little mistakes a well.  The only identity this team has forged for its self is that of a team that will, not ‘might’, or ‘tends to’, or ‘at times will’, that WILL, implode.  To quote our beloved Peyton Manning, let’s call them “boneheaded”.

Criticizing though, has become too easy of late.  So I’ll stop there.  Were there positives?  Actually, yes, there were several.  I preface this by stipulating Auburn’s offense won’t setting the world on fire any time soon, but……our defense played well throughout the game.  The only reason I feel good saying that is that there were many tackles at the line of scrimmage or behind the line.  The defensive line did get pressure.  They stopped the run with regularity.  They tackled well and they provided this team with the means to win the game with Rogan’s interception late in the game.

If there is any criticism for the defense, and I’m still finding it difficult to call it a criticism…is the only 3rd down conversion they surrendered in the 4th quarter was the last one that, ironically, allowed Auburn to salt way the game on a 2 point lead.   Man that sucks.

But whose fault is that?  I’ll only offer this:  Starting at midfield or better we could not get in to field goal range in the 4th quarter.  What?

But on to more positives……….special teams….there was improvement……..we basically played the entire 2nd half in Auburn territory.  Cunningham showed, at least that he could when given opportunity, pin the ball deep.  Coverage units played better and the adjustment of putting Gerald Jones to return punts was borderline masterful.  It was nice to see kick offs go in to the end zone as well.

That’s the other positive, Gerald Jones……..he’s simply amazing.  I for one am truly glad he suits up in orange and white each week.  The kid is a player.

Montario Hardesty played very well.  The touchdown run he had, while simple looking, I am convinced Arian Foster would have been stretched out of the play and out of bounds by the Auburn defense.  Simply, Foster should be spelling Hardesty.  As for the fumble, I don’t know whose fault it was, and honestly, it doesn’t matter.  It is just another symptom of a bigger problem………..

So, if there’s something to be taken out of defeat, those are the things I think we have to build on-run Hardesty run, it’s ok to put a game in the defense’s hands, change the quarterback, get the ball to Gerald Jones as much as possible and punt when you have to.

But in the end, we really didn’t learn anything new this weekend, sadly, a few things simply got validated.

As for the rest of the weekend……..boy, were we treated to some doozies…………

I’ve got to start with Georgia and ‘Bama.  And I’ll say that I never fully believed Georgia was national championship worthy……..but, Alabama is back, and in a big way.  I expected them to win, but not in that fashion.  Credit Georgia for “fighting like heck” to at least make it look like it was interesting, but make no mistake, in year two, Nick Saban has the Tide rolling.  They, not Georgia, not Florida, not LSU, are all of the sudden THE team to beat.  Just like it should be, just ask any ‘Bama fan.  A little tid bit for any of the younger readers or current students:  You’ve dealt with Florida and Georgia fans the past 7-8 years.  But you are in for a real treat.  There is no more obnoxious fan base alive than Alabama fans when they have something to chirp about.  Well, guess what………the eggs hatched again Saturday night.  Get ready when they come to Knoxville.  But great win for ‘Bama.

Florida/Ole Miss–Hotty Totty, gosh almighty is exactly right.  And as glad as I was to watch Florida lose, just for spite, my first thought was still “Fulmer couldn’t beat this team, but Houston Nutt can at Ole Miss, in the Swamp?”  Don’t lie, you know you thought it too.

LSU beats MSU….in other news…….the sun is hot.

Clemson/Maryland….Tommy Bowden, poor Tommy Bowden.  You know who he should call next?  His agent, cause he’s going to need work next year.

North Carolina/Miami….Hi, my name is Butch Davis, and I just win college football games, anywhere I go.  Given the injury situation for the Heels’ qbs, and the confidence the Hurricanes had developed lately, especially defensively,  this was a huge win for Davis and his upstart Heels.

Duke/Virginia….Duke snapped a 25 game ACC losing streak.  Good for Coach Cut.  I guess that guy can coach after all?

Michigan/Wisconsin…….this game bothered me only because Michigan seems to be able to do what we are not, when both programs are in similar circumstances.

My Top 5:  Oklahoma, Alabama, Missouri, LSU, Texas.

Who’s on the couch this week:  Tennessee, Florida, East Carolina, USC, Nebraska (you might be here longer than I thought), & Wisconsin.

That’s about it for now folks.  Until next time…..Cheers.