Vol Calls Recap – Points of Interest

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Phillip Fulmer
Phillip Fulmer

Here are your high points from Monday night’s episode of Vol Calls.

One more year. Vol Calls has always been accused of catering to the Tennessee homers (for lack of a better word) — not that there is anything wrong with that. But tonight, I found it interesting that the first caller was campaigning for Fulmer to get “one more year”. Not that we should support him as long as he wants to coach, but that he should get one more year. Interesting.

Fulmer on the D-line. Tennessee missed Walter Fisher, who did not play against MSU, but Andre Mathis was able to step up and help out. Fulmer likes the depth we have at end but not so much at tackle.

Fulmer: “Fortunately we’ve got some young ends that are coming on and we are able to play a lot of people there but not so much in the defensive tackle position so those two guys (Bolden and Williams) have held up pretty good”

Nick Stephens. It’s no secret that Nick Stephens has performed better on the field than Jonathan Crompton. However, Fulmer acknowledged that Nick still has a way to go, specifically with his accuracy.

Fulmer: “I think Nick is in a better groove. We’re still not throwing for the percentage we would like to throw for but we are getting the ball out on time. We’re not getting pressured and he actually made a scramble or two Saturday that was a good play. ”

“Nick is our quarterback unless we have an injury or something else happens.”

Gerald Jones and Anthony Parker. It doesn’t look good for either of these guys.

Fulmer: “If you had to say right now, I’d say they are questionable — both of them.”

“Both of them say they are going to be ready, but an ankle sprain, that’s pretty hard when you are playing against a team like Alabama.”

We love you coach. Insert the “Everyone down here in (your home town) loves you and we don’t want to see you go anywhere” call here.

Eric Berry on Offense. As I posted earlier today, I think we’re going to see it this weekend.

Fulmer: “Yes, we’ve got a couple little things that he can do on offense and certainly we need to get his hands on as many footballs as we can because he does well with the ball.”

Orange Pants, will we see them?

Fulmer: “Those Orange pants haven’t really been all that great — probably not.”

Clawson and the play calls. This is one that we’ve debated over and over on the board. It sounds pretty clear to me that Fulmer has been involved, on more than one occasion, with dictating the direction of the offense.

Fulmer: “Coach Clawson is our offensive coordinator and he calls the plays. They go through me, but in most cases, I don’t believe there has been but a time or two during the course of the year that we’ve done anything, and that was early in the year, as far as changing calls or whatever.”

“There for a while we were really struggling on 2nd down. I may say, hey Dave let’s run the football right here or something like that…occasionally.”

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