Guitar Shots to the Head: Rub Some Bama on it!

I know most of you are familiar with the medical abbreviations for the professionals that deliver medical care.  Surely you have heard of MDs, DOs, PAs, ARNPs, DMDs, PTs, DCs.  My great grandmother was a WD……a witch doctor.  She carried two things in her medical bag.  A bottle of mathylate (an old red, alcohol based wound cleaner) and a jar of mentholatum rub.  There was nothing the two of those things couldn’t heal.

My last visit to the WD resulted in what my family called a throat mopping.  I had a sore throat, and my Great Grandma had the cure.  She took a stick, attached a large cotton swab, covered the swab with mathylate, and then proceeded to stick the cotton swab all over the back of my tonsils.  At this point she was confined to a wheelchair due to the severity of her arthritis.  Let me be the first to tell you a 300 pound man could not have shoved that concoction down my throat with the force she achieved.  I swear to you I could feel that swab cleaning out my colon.

Needless to say it really didn’t make my throat any better, and the mentholatum never really cured any of my asthma.

Thinking about this Bama game reminded me of my dear departed great grandma.  All of the sudden, some people expect the Crimson tide to cure what ails this Volunteer football team.

The crowds aren’t coming to the game……rub some Bama on it.

Concession sales are down…..rub some Bama on it.

Offense is not effectively moving the football…..rub some Bama on it.

Coaches are not doing there jobs and need to resign…..rub some Bama on it.

Coaches need a game to save their careers……rub some Bama on it.

Fans are apathetic and students are boycotting…..rub some Bama on it.

To many, Bama is either the cure all for this program or the last nail in the coffin for a beleaguered coaching staff.  Am I the only Vol fan that is frustrated with this scenario?  Never in the history of this fine series has one game with Bama symbolized so much for the UT fans.  I say why give our arch enemy all of this power?

When the ball is kicked off this Saturday, I say we pull for the Vols with everything we have.  I know that the Volunteer’s football season has already been decided.  This team is not going to win a championship of any consequence.  I also have a feeling that the fate of this coaching staff has been decided as well.  I don’t think there is ONE victory left on the schedule that will make this set of coaches feel more secure in their current positions.

I hope we face the enemy courageously.  Nothing should bring the entire UT fan base together like a game against Bama, but let’s not give the Crimson Tide any reason to believe that they have the power to heal our program or destroy the future of our coaches.  That would simply make Bama fans feel too good about themselves.  We can all agree that there is nothing more despicable than a satisfied Bama fan.

Until next time….Go Vols.

1 response to “Guitar Shots to the Head: Rub Some Bama on it!”

  1. There, that should make you feel better. We just rubbed some Bama all over it! ROLL TIDE ROLL!