Guitar Shots to the Head: Cold November Reign

Historically speaking, November has saved some bacon up on the hill. Dropping a game to Florida, losing to Georgia, beating hapless Bama teams and losing to the better ones has never been a problem for most of the Tennessee fan base. Those of us that saw the signs of impending doom were easily dismissed and relegated to Negavol status.

It turns out that the Negavols were correct. This has been a directionless team for quite some time now……wait a minute…..that is not true. This team has a clear direction. This program is now on the fast track on the road to nowhere. The Volunteers have officially been laughed off, shunned and forgotten.

The Vols have a clear direction, and this team is now faced with an identity crisis of epic proportions. The UT Volunteers can no longer knock opponents off of the football. For that reason alone, entering the month of November is not nearly as rosy as it used to be. The Volunteer squads used to flat wear teams out much like Bama did on Saturday night. Sure lesser teams might hang around, but in the late stages of the game Phil was always able to hand the ball off and demoralize the opponents by breaking their will.

Before you get defensive think about it. How many commentators do you hear talking about the miraculous run to the SEC title game last year? You don’t hear the talk because the Vols backed their way into that game thanks to the November reign. The game itself looked much like most other games that the recent Tennessee teams have had against more talented opponents. They were pushed around until they were worn down.

Some fans argue that the talent is simply not there. I still contend that with the way this team has executed, it is nearly impossible to tell where we stand athletically. Others think that knocking people off of the ball is simply a matter of attitude.

Regardless, what I do know is that this team has failed miserably when it comes to taking advantage of the mistakes of other teams. Whether it is special team’s play, penalties, failing to convert turnovers to points, or fumbles and interceptions in the Orange Zone this team doesn’t play with the discipline required to win football games.

In the interest of time let me tell you what this team could do to get better. They should memorize this list.

1. The team that makes the fewest mistakes will win.

2. Play for and make the breaks and when one comes your way – SCORE.

3. If at first the game – or the breaks – go against you, don’t let up… put on more steam.

4. Protect our kickers, our QB, our lead and our ball game.

5. Ball, oskie, cover, block, cut and slice, pursue and gang tackle… for this is the WINNING EDGE.

6. Press the kicking game. Here is where the breaks are made.

7. Carry the fight to our opponent and keep it there for 60 minutes.

Look familiar? It should.

If these principles were firmly embedded into the psyche of this football team the Vol Nation wouldn’t be arguing about a senior receiver laughing on the bench while Bama is delivering a beating.

Keep your chin up Nation. After all:

We’ve been through this for a long, long time just trying to kill the pain….never mind the darkness we still can find a way…nothing lasts forever, even cold November reign.