Guitar Shots to the Head: Take Me to The Circus

As each day passes the masses become more anxious and hungry for information.  I would love to be the guy that sets the record straight.  Unfortunately, I don’t think I would know anymore about the situation if I was one of Mike Hamilton’s grandchildren.  He is as tight lipped as a mute with a lisp.

So, for pure entertainment purposes I will tell you what I think I know.

UT is in a position where they want to spend their money.  Even in tough economic times money is not really an object for the new hire.  I think Gruden remains at the top of the list until he tells Hamilton or Haslam that he is not interested in the job. Based on several conversations I also think Butch Davis is high on the wish list.  The fact that Jimmy Sexton is his agent makes me skeptical about any real possibility of acquiring his services.

The next logical step is talking to Lane Kiffin.  Kiffin could immediately put a bandage on the recruiting situation, and is likely to assemble an all star staff.  That is all well and good.  In my humble opinion Kiffin is really a no lose third option.

Having said that, the longer search continues, the more I pine for Mike Leach.  There, I said it.

For too long, UT fans have been subject to plod and trod defensive football.  The agony shared by the collective fan base has recently (in the last 5 years or so) been exacerbated by the fact that this team simply doesn’t run block that well.  It is one thing to rely on your defense and win.  Depending on your defense to play for 40 minutes of the game in the SEC is another matter entirely.  Heck, I like defensive football, but placing that kind of burden on the defense has been boring to say the least.

For the better part of this decade Phil Fulmer has been running a zoo.  I’m not talking off the field incidents.   I’m talking about finding playmakers and allowing them to make plays.  Seniority has nearly always trumped talent historically for Fulmer.  Now I don’t know how many cheetahs we actually have on the bench right now, but I will stand by the analogy.  The zoo is a great place to visit with your kids, but I have always preferred the circus.

It is time for UT to unleash its inner offensive beast and entertain the crowds. That is what you get with Mike Leach.   Some speculate that hiring Leach is like sticking your head into the Lion’s mouth.  That could be.  I simply think it is worth the risk.

Before I begin to sound like the fan of a second tier program, please hear me out.  Winning is more important than entertainment value, but….what if Tennessee fans could have both?  With Mike Leach it is more possible than you think.

I say we put the three rings outside Neyland and find out.  Go Vols!

2 responses to “Guitar Shots to the Head: Take Me to The Circus”

  1. Bring in the Black (Orange) Pearl, mount the cannons on Neyland Stadium along the river and bring on Captain Leach!! You just won’t get any better than that!!