Guitar Shots to the Head: Quick Hitters

Coming off of an open date after a loss to Wyoming I decided to cover more than one topic this week.  If it feels like a whack on the head, it should.  Take your Motrin and enjoy!

–       It is amazing how time flies as you get older.  It seems like just last week that I was blogging about the possibilities of a Jon Crompton led football team.  Those hopes lasted a week.  Now….he’s baaaack…….If you can logically explain it you are either a philosopher with too much time on your hands or a dummy, and football is no place for existentialism or idiots.    I’m with Justin.  I say FREE BJ Coleman.

–       If the reports I am reading are correct, up until this year, there were three football programs in DI college football that have never had an 8 loss season.  The Michigan Wolverines recently fell of the list.  UT is now up at bat.  Will Fulmer take this team to losing depths it has never seen before?  Tennessee may also fall off of that list.  That will leave Ohio State as the only program in the country with that distinction.  That is reason enough to fire me up against Vandy and UK.

–       If you want to see how you actually build on a National Championship win look no further than Gainesville.  Now go take a shower after reading that.  I had to clean myself off after I wrote it.  Meyer has the competitive drive to keep things going strong after one national title.  That is something that neither Phil Fulmer nor Steve Spurrier was able to do.  It is sad that the University of Florida is once again the class of the SEC.  As long as Urban Meyer is there we had better get used to it.  I am firmly convinced the guy would step on his mom’s throat for a win.  While Mike Hamilton is looking for a replacement, I hope this is one of the qualities that he has at the top of his list!

–       Those arguing the SEC’s prowess this year should just stop it.  With Tennessee and Auburn down, and LSU teetering on being very average the SEC is playing second fiddle to the Big 12 this year even if Florida is the best team in the country.  Those who have the quaterbacks usually have the power.

–       Thank you Mike Hamilton for saving the fans from themselves.  Sure the jury is still out on the hire, but Hamilton’s tight lips have saved the University and the potential coaching candidates from the embarrassment of usual searches.  Mike learned his lesson by watching Bama and Michigan search for coaches.  Remember how many times ESPN reported that Miles was headed to Michigan last year?

–       I’ve had about enough of the whole “we need to hire another Bruce Pearl type” coach for this football team.  UT does not need a promoter for its football team.  It needs an experienced coach to come in and take this team by the horns.

–       A loss to Vanderbilt is as unacceptable this year as it is at any other time.  I suggest that Fulmer bring some George Cafego sound bites out this week to motivate the players.  Win one for Cafego!

Go Vols!  Beat the Commodores!

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