Gutiar Shots to the Head: A New Era

Watching the presser yesterday, I couldn’t help but smile. In the last few years UT fans have witnessed euphoria in Tuscaloosa and Gainesville as Florida and Bama brought in program changing coaches. In each case new life was breathed into their respective football programs.

In the meantime Vol fans were stuck watching Phil Fulmer continue with the same old song and dance. It might sound disrespectful, and that is truly not the intention. For most of the Tennessee faithful, it was the Fulmer fatigue that caught up with the old offensive lineman in the end. Steadily watching other programs improve as UT showed little to no improvement began to wear the Vol fan base down.

With every call for innovation, Fulmer responded in the same way. Watch film, work like heck, and we can turn this thing around. Meanwhile the Vols continuously got blown off the ball while searching for some sort of offensive rhythm.

Finally, yesterday the call for real change was answered in the form of 32 year old Lane Kiffin. We should all be giddy about the program shift that is about to happen in Knoxville.

That doesn’t necessarily have to be an indictment of the past regime. That sentiment was expressed very clearly by Kiffin in the presser. It doesn’t matter what the culture was before a new coach takes his position. Every coaching change requires a change in culture.

I’m convinced that Kiffin has a blueprint for success taken directly from the dynasty he helped resurrect at USC. I’m also certain that Tennessee will find its identity in execution and physical play under Kiffin’s watch. There will be no more clapping, watching film, or working like heck. That being said, there will not be a coach in the SEC or anywhere else in the country that is going to out work the new Volunteer coaching staff.

In all the excitement the larger question for more skeptical fans turns toward expectations for this team. Mine are very simple. I want to see improvement in execution from game to game. If that happens, the wins will eventually begin to pile up.

It won’t be long before Kiffin detractors rear their heads. We are already seeing it on the boards and hearing it over the airwaves. Usually their soapbox speech begins with the question: What has Kiffin ever really done?

I would ask those detractors if they remember going to summer camp. Remember what your counselor always said while making you clean up before you left an area? The line was always the same. “We are going to leave this cabin cleaner than it was before we go here”.

I will make no win/loss promises to the fan base. I will only make one pledge to you about this coaching hire. When Kiffin’s term as UT coach is concluded I promise you that the program will be better than it was before he arrived. In this day and age that is about the best you can ask for.

Welcome to Knoxville coach. Go Vols!

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