Guitar Shots to the Head: Quick Hitters

News travels slowly these days, yet it has become apparent that Lane Kiffin meant what he said in his opening press conference.  He is taking his time to put the right staff together.  So far I like what I see.  Here are some quick hitters and other observations.

•       We’ve spent years debating the idea that Fulmer was loyal to a fault.  As time since the hiring goes by, it is becoming more apparent that he was.  I’m confident that while John Chavis will get a good job, the coach who has really parlayed the situation into a better gig is David Clawson.  What does that tell you about the lifelong members of the UT staff?

•       Monte Kiffin is a genius, and Lane is now his boss.

•       The necessary culture change has begun on the hill.   Kiffin’s handling of Boyd and Petty speaks volumes to me about what he is actually doing.  He is addressing needs.  While UT does require an immediate upgrade at receiver and QB, what is the sense in bringing someone in that you have no confidence in?  What is the use in having athletes if you don’t know where they will fit into your system?  Top programs recruit from a position of power.   If you have to beg and plead for every recruit you eventually lose your ability to get them.   Lane Kiffin is drawing a line in the sand, and actually acting like UT doesn’t have to beg.

•       Who wants to coach at UT?  That was a familiar refrain over the last few years.  Apparently the job was a little more attractive than some UT fans had credited.  When your “Potential Coach Big Board” is full of guys currently employed in the NFL, it is hard to doubt the relevancy of your program.

•       Prediction threads on next season will be popular for the next 9 months, so I figured I would jump in early and give you my best shot.  Next year’s version of the Vols will block and tackle better.  The improved fundamentals alone will add at least two wins to the schedule.

•       Tennessee and Auburn really let the rest of the SEC down this year.  However, Georgia was easily the biggest disappointment in the league.  I know Mark Richt is a Saint and all, but I don’t think he will ever win the big one in Athens.

•       Charles Barkley has been known to make baseless claims.  His assessment as to what happened in Auburn is 100% dead on in my opinion.  The War Eagle Tigers are in a hole they aren’t climbing out of anytime soon.

Go Vols!

1 response to “Guitar Shots to the Head: Quick Hitters”

  1. Great work. Couldn’t agree more about auburn even as it kills me to agree with sir charles. I think that its going to be interesting to see where current guys like adkins and scott land when all the dust clears.