The Rearview 12-22

It is Christmas week and hopefully you’ve all been good boys and girls and you all get what you want from Santa even though most of us have already had our holiday dreams dashed as our Volunteers are at home for the Holidays with us.  In any event, with the end of one year, brings the energy, anticipation and hope of a New Year.  Next year all our dreams are yet again possible.  With a new ring leader and a brand new cast of characters, the possibilities seem endless.  But in the end, we will have to wait and see what the New Year brings.  I, like all of you, hope it’s full of good for us all, on and off the field. 

Until then, let’s hope the Basketball teams can continue to get better and make significant post season noise.  The past few years the basketball teams have provided the Vol Nation with a great sense of pride as both the men’s and women’s teams have won championships.  It’s a nice reprieve to go thru winter and spring with two teams that will contend once again for, if not for national, Southeastern Conference acclaim. 

I’ll leave you all with this, and simply wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!   

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Vol Nation,

Not a creature was stirring, not even Orange+White=Heaven. 
The stockings were hung by the stadium with care, 
In hopes that Coach O and co. would soon be there. 
The Nationals were nestled all snug in their beds, 
While visions of Sugar Bowls danced in their heads. 
And Coach Kiffin in his visor, and Monte in his cap, 
Had just designed a new half back trap. 
When out on the field there arose such a clatter, 
Lexvol sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. 
Away to the window he flew like 5 star receiver, 
Only to see Layla Kiffin, where he waited to greet her. 
The moon on a cold winter night 
Reminded Vol fans of last season’s plight. 
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, 
But Lane, Monte, Ed and Co. will soon be here. 
With players, new and old alike

I knew in a moment this would be something we would like. 
As 4 stars and 5 stars started to come, 
We knew the offense and defense surely would hum! 
“Now Berry! Now, Jones! Now, Cottam and Vinson! 
On, Creer! On, Morely! On, Crompton and Coleman! 
To the top of the East ! to the top of the SEC! 
We now introduce you to the new Beast of the SEC East! 
As we sprang to first place, to his team he gave a whistle, 
And away they flew like rockets and missiles. 
As he left the field, I heard him cheer,  
Go Vols, Merry Christmas and Happy New year!  

Happy Holidays VolNation!  Go Vols!