The Rearview

I know, where have I been lately? Funny thing, I posted on Volnation a lot more often when I was employed. Whoever said looking for a job is a full time job wasn’t kidding. But things have kind of settled down now and I’ve had a chance to play “catch up” on all the goings on and get a pulse of what’s going on in the ‘nation these days, and with out re hashing everything Lane Kiffin, I can only say I’m still good with what I’m seeing and hearing coming out of the football offices on The Hill. The funny thing though is the reaction from other fans, specifically Florida fans, and, uh players. I’m glad we have their undivided attention, but what I think some of our rival fans are missing is that all the goings on of the past few weeks have had little to do with our opposition as much as it has with us (fans), the players, coaches and future recruits. There is a specific audience he is catering to, and it is not for the benefit of those in orange and blue or red and black or crimson and white.

Normally I don’t listen to or watch Jim Rome, but now having some free time I flipped on his show yesterday and he again discussed Lane Kiffin and the Vols. And to paraphrase his comments, he applauded Kiffin’s approach, if not for anything else but to get people (media) and recruits thinking Tennessee again. In his words “I’ve talked more about Tennessee football in the past 5 weeks than I have in the past 5 years, combined. As always, coach ‘em up Lane.” Jim gets it. He understands what the point is. He understands that we’re probably going to lose to Florida anyway. But nonetheless, we have their attention again, along with the rest of the country, in March. What other college football program has gotten the type of attention Tennessee’s gotten nationally the past 6 weeks, w/out doing anything technically related to football? No one. And because of that, win or lose in the fall, Tennessee will be a major story for the entire 09 season, where an 8 win season will likely get him lauded for a great 1st year, despite probably losing to Florida and Alabama….again.

Do any of you think that would be the case if Phil Fulmer and Company were still at the helm? Exactly. And that’s not intended to be a slight to Fulmer as much as it is props to Kiffin for setting the stage for the future the way most Tennessee fans have been craving for the past several years.

Another phenomenon occurred this past week. Bruce Pearl is now having deal with actual expectations and the ramifications of not meeting them. Making it to the SEC title game and a one and done showing the NCAA Tournament has many criticizing Pearl these days, and most of it is warranted, given that the SEC was noticeably down, and the glaring deficiencies this team showed all year, with no consistent improvement. That said, I’m still in Pearl’s camp. I simply can’t argue with the fact he’s created expectations where there were none before. To actually be disappointed in a Tennessee men’s basketball season is something I thought I’d never have to worry about. He does have to get better assistant coaches. He does need to get his type of players back in the system. They do have to play much better defense and find someone, anyone, that can knock down just a mid range jumper.

But Pearl is probably suffering the lingering affects of an athletic program that had been led by Phil Fulmer for so many years. Not that the two are similar, as much as it has to do with the expectation level both men created for their respective programs. Pearl built this program to what it is now in just 4 years. The football program was on solid ground when Fulmer took over, but none the less, Fulmer elevated the expectations with back to back SEC title game wins and a national championship. Failure to do it again and consistently not meeting those expectations ultimately did him in. Pearl has had 4 straight teams go to the NCAA tournament, won the SEC regular season, the East twice and owned Florida, and most of the rest of the conference along the way. But getting close doesn’t cut it. Win the SEC tournament. Make it to the Elite 8. Be a consistent top 10 team. He’s had this program on the cusp of doing that already. But how long is being on the cusp good enough? I jokingly answered that question to a post BigPapaVol posted in one of the many post game threads that appeared after the OSU game last Friday where I stated “around years 14-17?”

Because as we all know, it was the last 4-5 years of Fulmer’s tenure that led to the drought of performance that finally had enough people tired of “almost”. I know, I was one of them. That said, in year four, I’m just not to that point yet with Pearl.

Check back with me in 10 years though.

Go Vols.