Wednesday afternoon updates: Kiffin is a bozo

  • It was first brought to our attention this morning in the VolNation forums, and it’s since been reported by ESPN and other outlets this afternoon. Florida offensive lineman Matt Patchan was asked, “What would you say to Tennessee coach Lane Kiffin if you passed him on the street?” Patchan’s response, “I probably wouldn’t say anything to him. I’ve got nothing to say to that guy. He’s a bozo.”
  • The Georgia game at Neyland Stadium is expected to be another early afternoon kickoff. According to CBS and ESPN officials, a lunchtime start is likely.
  • Nick Stephens had a rough outing in Wednesday morning’s early practice session, but promises to come back stronger tonight. “Personally I’m not afraid to admit that I did not have a very good day (Wednesday morning),” Stephens said. “As an offense, I have to look at the film but I can guarantee we’ll come back stronger tonight.”
  • Freshman running back David Oku continues to impress. Oku made a long run this morning, ‘making a couple of spin moves to dodge tackles’. And later, Oku made another long run up the middle. Not to be outdone, Montario Hardesty also broke several big runs.
  • After being pulled off the field yesterday by the clearinghouse, Eric Gordon was back at practice on Wednesday morning.
  • Mike Edwards spoke to Josh Ward on the radio this afternoon. Edwards is excited to be at Tennessee and pleased that, unlike some others on the roster, his clearinghouse issues are behind him.

    Edwards is working hard, adjusting to the college game, and trying to learn as much as he can. He believes several of the freshman defensive backs have a great opportunity to see playing time this year.

    Some feel Edwards may start at corner against Western Kentucky. Kiffin has repeatedly praised the young freshman, and he continues to deliver. This morning, Edwards had an interception in 7 on 7 drills.

    Whether as a starter or in a backup role, Edwards wants to contribute as soon as possible. He plans to help the team by playing his best and consistently making plays week in and week out.

3 responses to “Wednesday afternoon updates: Kiffin is a bozo”

    • Thanks Oskie, I’ve had some time on my hands recently and we are making a concerted effort to do a better job with the blog.

      By the way, great job on ‘The List’. I’ve been following along. The recent articles on Carter and Gault bring back some fond memories. They are two of my all time favorites for sure. Well done.

  1. Thanks, Freak. It has been a heck of a lot of work for some guys who already work well over forty hours a week, but it is fun. We are teaching ourselves a lot in the process, and it is going to be rewarding to look back on the finished product.