Could this Really Happen Saturday?

Once upon a time, a cricket told a little wooden boy that ‘when you wish upon a star, fate steps in and sees you through and’ . . .here is the best part: ‘your dreams come true.’ There can be little doubt, there are plenty of wishes concerning the season opener in Neyland Stadium Saturday. Whether the results are bound in the stars is a subject for another time.

What will be noteworthy however, may not be the obvious. Tennessee will come in as a four touchdown plus favorite. A victory, given the focus and intensity this coaching staff has mandated should occur.

But are the win and the margin of victory all you should be wishing for? You know the answer don‘t you? Even the aforementioned cricket pointed out ‘no request is to extreme’ as long as ‘your heart is in your dream’. So what exactly should a Vols fan ‘wish list’ look like?

It could look something like this:

No Injuries:
It would be really nice to get a positive flow of players coming back and not going out with injuries. Several players have been moved around to strengthen key positions. So with Gerald Jones and Denarius Moore returning in time for Florida, lets hope this wish becomes a reality.

No Turnovers:
Last years +2 must be better. Tops in the SEC was a +22. Monte Kiffin defenses are designed to create turnovers and that should help. On offense, the Vols lost three times the number of fumbles the defense recovered. With talented, yet inexperienced freshman getting a lot of touches, holding onto the ball becomes even more important.

250 yds on the ground:
This mark was hit only once last season. In the second game net rushing was 266 yards against UAB. The Offensive line will play much improved. These backs are going to hit the holes hard and be more physical.

150 through the air:
This number would be a nice start for Crompton. Its more about balance for the offense (rounding out 400 yards) and momentum in the passing game for the following weekend.

Defense does not give up more than 1 touchdown:
Can’t wait to see how these guys play as a unit. Should be an exciting brand of defense. Eric Berry all over the field.

Crompton completes 65% or better of his passes:
(his performance slowly begins to turn the Big Orange faithful into believers). This a big one. Jonathan Crompton’s revamped confidence begins here. . .

No missed FG’s:
Of course touchdown are better than field goals. When the occasion does arise, however, Daniel Lincoln looks determined to better a 10 of 18* performance last season and return to his earlier form.

Three or fewer penalties:
Granted it is the first game. Last season averaged 5.5 per game so there is room for improvement. Few penalties will allow the offense in particular to get into a rhythm.

The Fans:
show this coaching staff / this team / the freshman / the other team / the media and any would be recruits that THIS is the place to be in college football !

Sure its wishing for a lot. These trends however, need to start now. The coaches will no doubt demand similar results. So what’s in your ‘wish list’? For those of you who may want a little extra ‘ummph’ to make sure you get what you want, we will close with this:

Star Light Star bright,
The first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.

2 responses to “Could this Really Happen Saturday?”

  1. GO VOLS! Changes have been a long time coming, let’s stand behind the players and coaching staff and let them show the VOL NATION what their made of. Beat Florida and he’s a keeper!

  2. That’s a great list. I’d honestly settle for 60% including some nice safe throwaways and a healthy dose of checkdowns. I’d really like Crompton to embrace the idea of being a distributor of the ball to the playmakers. If he holds it 3 sec or longer, the play is a bust.

    As for the fans, how about a little Cameron craziness from the UT students? I hate Duke, but the atmosphere in their games is legendary. Be part of something special.

    My favorite memories of the great years include a time in the game when the crowd elevated the play on the field for the defense as they made a game changing turnover or huge stop on third down. Then, the offense capitalized, and we followed it up by a big special teams play. The crowd went insane the whole time – even the old Vols stood up and cheered like they were teenagers again.