Goals for the Florida Game

Last season Tennessee’s defense allowed an average of 15 points and 281.5 total yards per game in the first two games. So far, with two games and a 1-1 record, the Vols are allowing 13.0 and 134.5.

The Vols will continue to attract better and better talent on this side of the ball. That yardage, by the way is number one in the country with teams who have played two games in 2009.

One number that just has to improve though is the turnover margin. After two games last year, Tennessee was a +3 and in 2009 it is -3.

The Tennessee defense has caused or witnessed nine fumbles in this early season. UCLA contributed by laying the ball on the ground SIX times Saturday, they lost it only once. That turnover resulted in the Vols only scoring drive.

Game three is straight ahead. This weeks Florida game will be more about not giving Tebow a short field to work with. Sustaining some drives to rest the defense. While the Vols did not score a touchback on kickoffs, their kickoff coverage was excellent. With the exception of the opening kickoff (out of bounds and a spot at the 40 yard line), UCLA did not reach the 20 on the other three kickoffs.

On the heels of a disappointing home loss, what kind of numbers would amount to a positive, back on track performance?

No Injuries: Week two was not as favorable. Wes Brown ended up on the sidelines with crutches. He’s been on a play count in practice and in all likelihood on Saturdays too. His loss hurts the depth along the D line. So with the Florida game still an early season one, no injuries are at the top of the list.

Zero Turnovers: The importance of winning this facet of the game cannot be emphasized enough. It changes the outcome of games. Without rehashing the painful details, there were two touchdowns directly attributable to turnovers. Oh that’s right. That is how many touchdowns were scored in the game.

175 Yards on the ground: 150 may be a better number. But much of it will depend on balance. It’s so incumbent on the passing game to do it share of the work. Really it comes down to balance. It will take good execution and good play calling to hit this number.

125 Yard passing: The passing game does not have to win the game. But it does have to take pressure off the box. If the Vols can’t throw it around with confidence and some consistency it will be a very long day. Throw in some picks and it become downright ugly.

Special Teams: Some specific numbers. Making Florida start inside the 30 on kickoff (the scoring percentages go up when it’s beyond it). We’ll take a 49.7 yard punting average by Cunningham (his UCLA average on 3 punts). David Oku sure looks like he is going to break one sooner than later. He had two Saturday that with one juke here to the spot and he would have been off to the races.

Penalties: The Vols have averaged 4 penalties per game, while opponents 9. This trend needs to hold. The goal is still 3 or fewer. Being on the road against a top opponent in a VERY hostile, loud environment is going to take discipline and composure. This stat is worth paying attention to.

The one number that is NOT on this list is the score. That will be given a shot at later this week. The focus must be on execution. It sounds cliché but it’s true. All these aspects of the game will need to come together, win or lose.

Every Tennessee coach, player, commit, and fan wants to win. That’s the goal for every game. That’s the goal for the Florida game. These numbers can help get just that.

6 responses to “Goals for the Florida Game”

  1. I watched the entire game and even with all the mistakes you had a chance to win in the end. Your team never gave up. I do think though that Crompton is not a good decision maker in the midst of the game. If he does that on Saturday it will be too much to overcome.

  2. Don’t kidd yourself. Vol Nation should be happy, if the Gators don’t score at least 50 on them. In additon, I wouldn’t bet on the Vols scoring a TD. my prediction:

    Vols loose 6:45.

  3. I will be front and center at the Swamp this weekend. Vol fans need to stay optomistic. We knew coming in that this was likley a 6-6 or 7-5 season at its best. If you thought otherwise, you were kidding yourself. When incoming coach has to stay with the 5th yr Sr. QB that was the worst in the SEC last year – you know that the bench is empty – ther is noone to turn to. The D will hang with Florida for the first half – after that they will be to tired to stop them – tired because the UT offense will nto be able to sustain a drive – I hope I am wrong – always a Vols fan no matter what.

  4. great points!

    To achieve those yardages both ground and in the air we really need our O line to perform better this weekend or i agree, it will be ugly.

    Good read DW.

  5. The defense for TN is awesome but Kiffin needs to make some changes on offense.First off Crompton needs to not get carried away with throwing the ball,and if he doesn’t Improve at about 5:00 left in the 1st bring another man like Bram Cannon.Deep down in Jonathon is a great athlete I mean if he wasn’t he wouldn’t be starting out Quarterback.I believe in Jonathan.If Jonathon focuses on zero interceptions,turnovers,and fumbles we can win at Florida!Ok our linemen need to improve on blocking on offense
    and defense ecspecialy on offense because because if we don’t Florida will break right through and pressure Jonathon and we all know what that means INTERCEPTION,fumble,or a sack!Defense keep men on Florida recievers and KEEP an eye on TEBOW!Florida better keep an eye on Eric Berry too!If Tennessee does what I just typed they will just fine!But if they don’t it will turn ugly!Overall It will be a great game.Go Vols!

  6. It will be a great game , , , ?
    Miles Hall , , ,the only way it will be a great game for vols fans is if Tenn can somehow manage to score and keep Florida under 60 points