You Make the Call

It’s going to be loud, raucous, and hot. You feel prepared, but you’re anxious about a number of things…

We have to eat some clock with our possessions and maintain good field position. Can we establish the run? How do we get our Quarterback in a rhythm? How do we contain Florida’s speed on the edges without giving up to much in the middle? Special teams have got to play stellar.

If you’re Lane Kiffin, these thoughts and questions have already been addressed, assigned and signed off on in the game plan. Now it’s a matter of executing and making adjustments during the game.

The setting will not be the friendly confines of Neyland Stadium. You know that going in. Play calling, line adjustments, and audibles, will be done with greater difficulty.

The thermometer is supposed to hit the low 90’s and there’s a 40% chance of showers just to make the humidity stick better. The wind will be around 10 mph diagonally across the field. The heat will affect your depth and subsequent rotations. Along the OLine this is critical.

You’re despised down here. The fans are looking for a reason to become rabid. The Florida team itself wants one thing more than a win. That would be a humiliating win. Your young guys are about to get the SEC’s ‘baptism by fire’ on the road. The national media is watching, waiting to give a full report.

You subconsciously gauge your players, not on what their saying, but the look in their eyes. Everyone knew this was gladiatorial when they signed on. It’s come together time. The one thing you want to feel in your gut is that everyone on this team wants this more than anything.

You’re in the tunnel and its deafening loud. Your thoughts are about to be encased by a collective booing second only to Rocky Top’s when these guys come out.

Once the team hits the sidelines its GO time. Everything speeds up. Looking over you see Coach O and there’s not a shred of doubt on his face. Monte, calm and wise, still manages a kid in the candy store look on his. The captains walk to the 50 yard line. The referee tosses the coin and you win the toss:

You Make the Call
1a) Do you take the ball, setup a nice return and go right into your choreographed plays?

1b) OR Defer to the 2nd half. Putting the onus on the kick coverage team to pick up where they left off last week?

2) If you take it and the return is within the 20 yard line. What’s your first offensive call?

3) If you take it and the return is the 30 yard line or better. Whats your first offensive call?

4) Do you blitz on the first defensive play against Florida?

5) Where do you play EB? Same as last week, run support at the edge of the box or somewhere else?

Well it’s not easy, that’s for sure. But there will be plenty to guess and second guess no doubt. One last call:

6) Do you run a gadget (trick) play early, late, or not at all?