Im Officiating the Tennessee Auburn Game

. . . . in my sleep last night and man I’m exhausted. I had no idea how much these guys run up and down the field. You know how they talk about the speed of the game? It’s true. It really does come at you quick.

Here are just a few of the highlights as I remember them. Somehow I was rotating the reff positions each quarter. That might explain their attitudes toward me during the game. Especially the Umpire. He just looked like he was from Alabama.

First of all, I want to say that the Head Ref was freaking me out. All he would say to me is “I’m in charge”. Literally before, during, and after the game. Even at halftime he walks up to me and I’m thinking ‘oh boy here it comes’. He’s like “Hey, I’m in charge.” “Ooook, great you’re in charge and I’m trying to win a game here buddy. You go do your thing and I’ll do mine”.

Anyway, on Tennessee’s opening possession, Bryce Brown busts a 47 yard touchdown run. I literally kept up with him stride for stride . . . well almost. The crowds going crazy and I’m jumping up and down signaling a touchdown. Later it’s brought to my attention that an ESPN close-up showed me mouthing the words, “WOW, did you see that cutback.”

Without a doubt one of the highlights was calling an officials timeout. It like you’re looking right into the camera and saying to 8 million viewers, “hey I’m taking a knee on this one”, and naturally I winked.

So Auburn pieced together a nice little drive and are sitting on the Vols 31 yard line with 14 second to go in the half. I knew I have to do something fast. Before I even realize what happened, there is a flag on the ground for a dead ball foul. Fortunately, I had done a quick calculation in my head and the extra five yard put Auburn’s kicker just outside his career best (52 yards).

There’s the snap, the ball is down, the 53 yarder is away, bounces off the crossbar . . . no good. It was THAT close!

Naturally I’m hyped; Tennessee is pitching a first half shutout. We’re trotting off the field and Erin Andrews comes running over.

“Dan, Dan two quick questions.” “You seem to have impacted the game early on with your calls; do you feel like you can keep it going in the second half?”

“Uh you know Erin, there a good team, hardnosed. I mean, I’ll do what I can.”

“What‘s your response to a report that Mike Slive is in a Birmingham hospital after complaining of chest pains due to one of your calls?”

“Really?” Commish is watching the game, nice. Uh, no comment, I wasn’t aware of it, Erin I got to go. . “

So the second half gets under way and this game is tight. To close to call? Hardly. Auburn was trying to turn the field midway through the third quarter.

Malzahn decides to take a shot deep down the west sideline. Luckily, I’m the Back Judge at this point and I’m in perfect position.

I’m not going to say white jersey didn’t catch it, let’s just say it looked like he was bobbling it on the way down. I had to make a split second decision. Yeah I wiped it off.

Naturally you know who comes over all smug and everything. “Yeah, we’re going to review this one fella”. Whatever.

I’m going to be as upfront as I can be about this. Pulling the power cord on the review cam in front of 100,000 fans, coaches, players, and other refs requires stealth beyond my abilities. Somehow I pulled it off. It was a gamble. There is no time limit for a review. But sure enough, exasperation set in and the ruling on the field is ‘confirmed’.

On a big third down play early in the fourth quarter, MK dialed up a safety blitz. EB rocked the Auburn QB’s world. In a momentary lapse of reason, instead of spotting the ball. I ran over to Monte and shook his hand. I don’t think he would have, but he was so taken back, he had no choice.

In the end it was all Big Orange albeit a close one. My conscious ask me this morning in if I was proud of myself for helping Tennessee win. You know actually, other than the fact that my pinstripes were orange and white instead of black and white (a fact that escaped me until the game was over.) I wouldn’t change a thing.

Oh maybe one other thing. On the way out, these two guys are leaning over the tunnel wall yelling “Ref, ref, over here, good job man!” It was Meyer and Tebow. Tim was trying to shake my hand and Urban was trying to cough on me. Naturally I refused. Adding, “Don’t you guys have a game or something. . .somewhere, now, not here?”

This reffing stuff is a piece of cake. I think I might try my hand at announcing. Maybe color analyst, give some insight and perspective. I wonder how you get one of those jobs.